We all love watch week after week a new Dexter's episode, see how he chases his victim, wraps him in plastic, stabs him - when he's lucky, 'cause we've seen the chainsaw more than once - and then dismember and jettison him. Nice, right? Well, I think you might find it a little bit less beautiful after knowing that there's a real Dexter free in the streets.
Vale, os he mentido, ¡pero tenía que captar vuestra atención! Suelto lo que se dice suelto... como que ya no. No se si os sonará - a mi desde luego no me sonaba, pero como estoy desconectada del mundo... quién sabe -, pero el pasado martes ejecutaron en Estados Unidos a Manuel Pardo. ¿Que quién es? Pues a eso iba.
Okay, I lied, but I had to get your attention! Free... well, not exactly. I don't know if you have heard about him - I hadn't, but since I am out of the radar... -, but last Tuesday Manuel Pardo was executed in USA. Who is him? Let's get to that.
En 1986, un oficial de policía del Miami Metro Police Department llamado Manuel Pardo asesinó a 9 personas que él consideraba merecedoras de ello, en este caso por asuntos relacionados con las drogas. Al igual que nuestro queridísimo Dexter, mantuvo un registro de las personas que asesinó, aunque le iba más el rollo de las fotos Polaroid que las muestras de sangre. Por supuesto, también era considerado como un "buen padre". Durante su juicio, declaró que limpiaba las calles de parásitos, que le estaba haciendo un bien a la sociedad y que desearía haber matado a más. No contento con esto, declaró - y cito textualmente -:
In 1986, a police officer from Miami Metro Police Department called Manuel Pardo killed 9 people who deserved it, or that's what he thought, as they were drug-related. As our beloved Dexter does, he kept a record of all his victims, but he prefered Polaroid photos more than blood samples. Of course, he was also such a "good father". During his trial, he declared that he was cleaning the streets from vermins, that he was making the society a favor and that he wished he had killed more than 9. Not happy with this, he declared - and I quote -:
"Soy un soldado. He completado mi misión y humildemente te pido que me des la gloria de ponerle fin a mi vida"
"I am a soldier. I accomplished my mission and I humbly ask you to give me the glory of ending my life".¿De verdad no os suena? Ahora viene la parte de si será una casualidad o realmente el personaje de Dexter está inspirado en Manuel Pardo. Para empezar... el nombre. No hay que ser un lumbreras para ver la semejanza con Miguel Prado, el primer "ayudante" de Dex que tuvimos en la tercera temporada. Y para seguir, Jeff Lindsay, escritor de las novelas en las que está basada Dexter, vivía en Miami durante la época en la que el caso de Manuel Pardo era un boom, por lo que fue imposible que se no se enterase.
Sounds familiar? Now the question is popping into your head: is it a coincidence or is Dexter really inspirated in Manuel Pardo? Well, first of all, just look at the name. You don't have to be Sherlock to see its resemblance with Miguel Prado, Dex's first "assistant" in the third season. Secondly, Jeff Lindsay, the writer of the novels in which Dexter is inspired, lived in Miami during the boom of Manuel Prado's murders, so it's just impossible he didn't know about it.
Pues bien, ahora que sabéis en quién está basado Dexter, ¿dormiréis tranquilos sabiendo lo que disfrutáis viéndolo matar semana tras semana cuando hubo una persona que realmente hizo eso mismo? Personalmente, voy a dormir como los angelitos, especialmente esperando al último capítulo de la séptima temporada, ¡porque vaya season finale que nos espera!
Alright, now that you know who's Dexter based on, are you gonna sleep well tonight knowing that you enjoy watching him kill week after week when there was someone that really did that job? Personally, I am gonna have such nice dreams, specially 'since the season finale is waiting for us next Monday! And what a finale it's gonna be...
P.D: Al menos Dex es bastante más guapo que este tio. Llega a tener este careto y te digo que no sigo la serie.
P.S: At least Dex is quite more handsome that this guy. Had he gotten this face... I wouldn't have watched the series!
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