Natalie Dormer, la actriz que interpreta a Margaery Tyrell en GoT, nos desvela todos los spoilers de la cuarta temporada (tranquilos, es un video de broma).
Natalie Dormer, the actress that plays Margaery Tyrell on GoT, has just revealed all the spoilers of the fourth season (relax, it's just a joke).
Blog dedicado a la actualidad del mundo seriéfilo. Si no hay una noticia es que estoy de vacaciones.
jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2013
martes, 26 de noviembre de 2013
How I Met Your Mother - Platonish
¿Platonish? Pues si. Se que faltan pocas horas para que emitan "Bedtime Stories" y que tampoco he comentado nada de "Mom and Dad"… pero si recordáis mi última entrada no os extrañará saber que vi "Platonish" hace unos pocos días. Y es que tras la decepcionante pedida de mano de Ted me entraron ganas de tomarme un descanso. Sorpresa la mía cuando un amigo me comentó que "Platonish" había sido un buen episodio, uno como los de siempre. Esa misma noche, de madrugada, encendí el ordenador y me dispuse a valorar por mi mismo la opinión de mi colega. Va a ser verdad eso de que "tras la tormenta llega la calma", ya que por un intervalo de 20 minutos conseguí dejar a un lado Farhampton Inn para sentarme a tomar una copa en nuestro querido MacLaren's.
lunes, 25 de noviembre de 2013
Six Feet Under - The series
Acabo de terminar Six Feet Under. Y sí, sigo en estado de shock. Será por la emoción del momento, pero no he podido evitar coger el ordenador y ponerme a escribir. No tengo duda alguna de que es una de las mejores series que ha dado jamás la televisión, y pensar que mañana no podré volver a pasar mis 40 minutos con los Fisher parece impensable.
I have just finished watching Six Feet Under. And yes, I'm still in shock. It might be just the emotion of the moment, but I couldn't avoid taking the computer and starting to write about it. I have no doubt that it's one of the best series of television, and to think that tomorrow I won't be able to spend my 40 minutes with the Fishers seems impossible.
Desde el capítulo 1 nos lo llevan diciendo: todos morimos. Todos acabamos a dos metros bajo tierra. Es la única certeza que tenemos en esta vida. Y con esta premisa se desarrolla la serie, capítulo a capítulo, en la que vemos los problemas normales de los Fisher, con los que nos encariñamos y acabamos considerando parte de nuestra familia.
Since episode one they've telling us: we all die. Sooner or later we all finish six feet under. It's the only thing we know for sure in this life. And with this the series starts, where we meet the Fishers and their ordinary problems. We end up loving them and considering them as part of our own family.
I have just finished watching Six Feet Under. And yes, I'm still in shock. It might be just the emotion of the moment, but I couldn't avoid taking the computer and starting to write about it. I have no doubt that it's one of the best series of television, and to think that tomorrow I won't be able to spend my 40 minutes with the Fishers seems impossible.
Desde el capítulo 1 nos lo llevan diciendo: todos morimos. Todos acabamos a dos metros bajo tierra. Es la única certeza que tenemos en esta vida. Y con esta premisa se desarrolla la serie, capítulo a capítulo, en la que vemos los problemas normales de los Fisher, con los que nos encariñamos y acabamos considerando parte de nuestra familia.
Since episode one they've telling us: we all die. Sooner or later we all finish six feet under. It's the only thing we know for sure in this life. And with this the series starts, where we meet the Fishers and their ordinary problems. We end up loving them and considering them as part of our own family.
domingo, 24 de noviembre de 2013
Best TV Cameos Ever V
Otro domingo más volvemos con la mejor lista de la semana… ¡Los mejores cameos de la televisión! Vamos a ver si os acordáis de alguno de los siguientes… ¡Y no dudéis en sugerirme alguno más que se os haya ocurrido!
It's Sunday again and we are back with the best list of the week… Best TV Cameos Ever! We'll see if you remembered any of the following… And do not doubt to make any suggestions you came up with!
Mayim Bialik en Blossom y The Big Bang Theory
Mayim Bialik on Blossom and The Big Bang Theory
Puede que, como a mí, cuando apareció Amy Farrah Fowler la primera vez en The Big Bang Theory te viniese esa eterna y horrible duda de "¿dónde he visto yo antes a esta actriz?". Pues la extraña novia de Sheldon - aunque comparada con él la verdad es que es de lo más normal - protagonizó años atrás la serie ochentera Blossom, comedia centrada en esta adolescente y su familia. La intro no tiene desperdicio.
It's possible that the first time you saw Amy Farrah Fowler on The Big Bang Theory you asked yourself where had you seen that actress before. Well, the weird girlfriend of Sheldon - okay, compared with him she's completely normal - was the main character of the 80's series Blossom, a comedy centered in this adolescent and her family. Watch the promo, it's worthy.
Hugh Laurie en Friends
Hugh Laurie on Friends
El médico más famoso de la televisión apareció años antes de que se estrenera House en Friends. Lo hizo compartiendo asiento en un avión junto a Rachel, la cual se dirigía a Londres a decirle a Ross que le quería y estropear su boda. Hugh Laurei ya apuntaba maneras en cuanto al abuso de fármacos y no soportar a la gente. ¡Echadle un vistazo al vídeo!
The most famous doctor of TV appeared years before House on Friends. He appeared in the same plane as Rachel, who was traveling to London to stop Ross' wedding telling him that she loved him. Hugh Laurie was just beginning to abuse narcotics and to hate people, just watch the video!
It's Sunday again and we are back with the best list of the week… Best TV Cameos Ever! We'll see if you remembered any of the following… And do not doubt to make any suggestions you came up with!
Mayim Bialik en Blossom y The Big Bang Theory
Mayim Bialik on Blossom and The Big Bang Theory
Puede que, como a mí, cuando apareció Amy Farrah Fowler la primera vez en The Big Bang Theory te viniese esa eterna y horrible duda de "¿dónde he visto yo antes a esta actriz?". Pues la extraña novia de Sheldon - aunque comparada con él la verdad es que es de lo más normal - protagonizó años atrás la serie ochentera Blossom, comedia centrada en esta adolescente y su familia. La intro no tiene desperdicio.
It's possible that the first time you saw Amy Farrah Fowler on The Big Bang Theory you asked yourself where had you seen that actress before. Well, the weird girlfriend of Sheldon - okay, compared with him she's completely normal - was the main character of the 80's series Blossom, a comedy centered in this adolescent and her family. Watch the promo, it's worthy.
Hugh Laurie en Friends
Hugh Laurie on Friends
El médico más famoso de la televisión apareció años antes de que se estrenera House en Friends. Lo hizo compartiendo asiento en un avión junto a Rachel, la cual se dirigía a Londres a decirle a Ross que le quería y estropear su boda. Hugh Laurei ya apuntaba maneras en cuanto al abuso de fármacos y no soportar a la gente. ¡Echadle un vistazo al vídeo!
The most famous doctor of TV appeared years before House on Friends. He appeared in the same plane as Rachel, who was traveling to London to stop Ross' wedding telling him that she loved him. Hugh Laurie was just beginning to abuse narcotics and to hate people, just watch the video!
How I Met Your Mother,
Modern Family,
Prison Break,
The Big Bang Theory,
The Walking Dead,
The Wire,
Two and a Half men
Sherlock - 3 season promo
Aunque la BBC no nos ha dado aún la fecha de regreso de la tercera temporada de Sherlock, ha aprovechado el sonadísimo 50 aniversario de Doctor Who para emitir el trailer del mismo con el hashtag de #SherlockLives. Aquí os lo dejo!
Despite the fact that the BBC hasn't said yet the date of the return of Sherlock's third season, they have used the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who to emit this promo with the hashtag #SherlockLives.
Despite the fact that the BBC hasn't said yet the date of the return of Sherlock's third season, they have used the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who to emit this promo with the hashtag #SherlockLives.
Girls - Season 3 trailer
El próximo 12 de enero vuelve la polémica serie de Lena Dunham, Girls. Una cosa está clara: o amas la serie o la odias. La autora, que se declara la voz de su generación y casi que la próxima Woody Allen - eso me dolió, la verdad -, puede llegar a suscitar mucho odio entre la audiencia. Sea como sea, aquí os dejo el trailer para que juzguéis vosotros mismos y recordéis que lo mejor de la serie, sin duda alguna, es la música.
The following January 12th we'll have the return of the polemic series of Lena Dunham, Girls. One thing is clear: either you love the series or you hate it. The author, who declares herself as the voice of her generation and almost as the next Woody Allen - that really hurt me, truth be told -, can be really hateful. Here's the trailer of the third season so you can judge by yourselves and remember that the best thing of the series is, without any doubt, the music.
The following January 12th we'll have the return of the polemic series of Lena Dunham, Girls. One thing is clear: either you love the series or you hate it. The author, who declares herself as the voice of her generation and almost as the next Woody Allen - that really hurt me, truth be told -, can be really hateful. Here's the trailer of the third season so you can judge by yourselves and remember that the best thing of the series is, without any doubt, the music.
miércoles, 20 de noviembre de 2013
Breaking Bad - Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul reading the final script
Después de filtrarse las fotos de las dos últimas páginas del guión de Breaking Bad, lo último que nos ha llegado desde Entertainment Weekly es el video de los protagonistas de la serie leyéndolo. Un par de cervezas, comida griega y la casa de Bryan Cranston, ¿qué más se puede pedir? El video os lo dejo abajo, y son sólo los dos últimos minutos de lo uno de los muchos extras que tendremos en el pack especial de la serie completa, con forma de barril y que Vince Gilligan nos enseña en este video.
After the leak of the photos of the last two pages of Breaking Bad's finale episode script, the latest we have received from Entertainment Weekly in this video of the actors of the series reading it. A couple of beers, greek food and Bryan Cranston's house, what else do you need? The video is the one below, and it's just two minutes of one of the many extras that we will be able to watch in the special pack of the complete series that Vince Gilligan shows us in this video.
After the leak of the photos of the last two pages of Breaking Bad's finale episode script, the latest we have received from Entertainment Weekly in this video of the actors of the series reading it. A couple of beers, greek food and Bryan Cranston's house, what else do you need? The video is the one below, and it's just two minutes of one of the many extras that we will be able to watch in the special pack of the complete series that Vince Gilligan shows us in this video.
martes, 19 de noviembre de 2013
Game of Thrones - Octavia Alexandru mysterious role
Con la cuarta temporada en pleno rodaje nos llega la noticia de la incorporación al reparto de esta jovencísima actriz británica. Avisados estáis de que entráis en terreno de spoilers. Para todos aquellos que no les importe llegar a la próxima temporada con alguna información de más… aquí tenéis vuestra entrada.
With the fourth season in the middle of the filming we receive the news of an incorporation to the cast of this young british girl. I'm warning you that now on you're entering into the spoilers world, so for those of you that don't care about them… keep reading!
With the fourth season in the middle of the filming we receive the news of an incorporation to the cast of this young british girl. I'm warning you that now on you're entering into the spoilers world, so for those of you that don't care about them… keep reading!
lunes, 18 de noviembre de 2013
The Walking Dead - S0406 Live Balt
La cuarta temporada de la exitosa serie The Walking Dead estaba teniendo un gran inicio, del que yo me he sorprendido gratamente - ya sabéis que no soy una gran defensora de la serie -. Nos encontrábamos en la prisión, en la que había empezado una epidemia que se cargaba en cuestión de 48 horas a todo el que se pusiera por delante - ¡gran idea para el recorte de presupuesto en extras! -. Hasta aquí iba todo bien. Pero claro, era muy extraño que esto de no liarla durase más allá de 5 capítulos.
The fourth season of the successful series The Walking Dead was having a great beginning, which has left he quite in shock - you know I'm not that a defender of the series -. We were in the prison, where an epidemic had started that killed everyone in 48 hours - great idea to get rid of those expensive extras! -. So far so good. But we know it's difficult for TWD not to fuck it up during more than 5 episodes.
Tras conseguir por fin los medicamentos para curar la epidemia - y salvar a Glenn, el único personaje que nos podía preocupar que muriese -, la trama de la prisión pierde la intriga por completo. Por ello, al final del capítulo S04E05 vimos en las puertas de la prisión al "temido" Gobernador, acechando a Rick y los suyos. Y claro, uno se espera que la líe, que intente a cargarse a dos o tres y que Michonne y Glenn intenten tener su venganza. Pero no.
After getting the meds that would cure the epidemic - and save Glenn, who was the only character we were worried about -, the plot in the prison lost its intrigue. This is why, at the end of the episode S04E05 we saw at the gates of the prison the "feared" Governor, stalking Rick and his crew. And of course we all hoped he did something awesome, like trying to kill a few and let Michonne and Glenn take their revenge. But he didn't.
The fourth season of the successful series The Walking Dead was having a great beginning, which has left he quite in shock - you know I'm not that a defender of the series -. We were in the prison, where an epidemic had started that killed everyone in 48 hours - great idea to get rid of those expensive extras! -. So far so good. But we know it's difficult for TWD not to fuck it up during more than 5 episodes.
Tras conseguir por fin los medicamentos para curar la epidemia - y salvar a Glenn, el único personaje que nos podía preocupar que muriese -, la trama de la prisión pierde la intriga por completo. Por ello, al final del capítulo S04E05 vimos en las puertas de la prisión al "temido" Gobernador, acechando a Rick y los suyos. Y claro, uno se espera que la líe, que intente a cargarse a dos o tres y que Michonne y Glenn intenten tener su venganza. Pero no.
After getting the meds that would cure the epidemic - and save Glenn, who was the only character we were worried about -, the plot in the prison lost its intrigue. This is why, at the end of the episode S04E05 we saw at the gates of the prison the "feared" Governor, stalking Rick and his crew. And of course we all hoped he did something awesome, like trying to kill a few and let Michonne and Glenn take their revenge. But he didn't.
The Office - Remembering
Hace ya unos meses que terminó The Office, tras dos temporadas un tanto descafeinadas por la marcha del inmenso Michael Scott (Steve Carrell). Con un argumento aparentemente infumable (un documental sobre el día a día de una empresa de papel), la serie de NBC nos enganchó durante 9 años gracias a sus personajes, unos inadaptados sociales, frikis que nos hacían llegar al extremo de la vergüenza ajena, pero con los que acabamos encariñándonos viendo cómo evolucionaban con el paso del tiempo.
The Office finished months ago, after two seasons going down because of the leaving of Michael Scott (Steve Carrell). With an apparently boring plot (a live documentary about the daily routine of a paper company), this show of NBC hooked us during 9 years thanks to his characters, a group of really anoying geeks who made us feel ashamed sometimes, but we ended up loving them seeing their evolution through time.
Sin duda uno de los grandes aciertos de The Office fue el casting, al que se presentaron grandes conocidos del mundo seriéfilo y cinéfilo, y en el que sin embargo finalmente fueron escogidos actores semidesconocidos para el gran público que se pensó que podían encajar mejor en el papel. Siempre resulta interesante imaginar cómo habría hecho Seth Rogen de Dwight, o Bob Odenkirk de Michael Scott, o Eric Stonestreet de Kevin (brutal su audición), pero, a toro pasado, ¿quién se atrevería a decir que los productores de la serie eligieron mal el casting?
Probably the casting was one of the best things in The Office. They could have chosen great known actors of the tv and movies' world, but instead they chose unknown actors who would fit better. It's always interesting to imagine how would Seth Rogen fit as Dwight, or Bob Odenkirk as Michael Scott, or Eric Stonestreet as Kevin (great audition), but, after all this time, who would say that the show's producers chosed wrong?
The Office finished months ago, after two seasons going down because of the leaving of Michael Scott (Steve Carrell). With an apparently boring plot (a live documentary about the daily routine of a paper company), this show of NBC hooked us during 9 years thanks to his characters, a group of really anoying geeks who made us feel ashamed sometimes, but we ended up loving them seeing their evolution through time.
Sin duda uno de los grandes aciertos de The Office fue el casting, al que se presentaron grandes conocidos del mundo seriéfilo y cinéfilo, y en el que sin embargo finalmente fueron escogidos actores semidesconocidos para el gran público que se pensó que podían encajar mejor en el papel. Siempre resulta interesante imaginar cómo habría hecho Seth Rogen de Dwight, o Bob Odenkirk de Michael Scott, o Eric Stonestreet de Kevin (brutal su audición), pero, a toro pasado, ¿quién se atrevería a decir que los productores de la serie eligieron mal el casting?
Probably the casting was one of the best things in The Office. They could have chosen great known actors of the tv and movies' world, but instead they chose unknown actors who would fit better. It's always interesting to imagine how would Seth Rogen fit as Dwight, or Bob Odenkirk as Michael Scott, or Eric Stonestreet as Kevin (great audition), but, after all this time, who would say that the show's producers chosed wrong?
domingo, 17 de noviembre de 2013
How I Met Your Mother - The Dad spin-off
Hace apenas dos semanas, os traíamos en un post los rumores acerca de un posible spin-off de How I Met Your Mother titulado, literalmente, How I Met Your Dad - no fuera a parecerse demasiado al título de HIMYM -. Pues os traigo malas noticias: ha dejado de ser un rumor y ahora ha sido confirmado por la CBS.
Just two weeks ago we brought you in a post the rumors about the possible spin-off of How I Met Your Mother titled, literally, How I Met Your Dad - no, it doesn't resemble the name of the original series! -. Well, I'm afraid I've got bad news: it is not a rumor anymore since it has been confirmed by the CBS.
CBS ya ha pedido el piloto, que como sabéis será escrito y dirigido por Craig Thomas y Carter Bays junto a Emily Spivey. Además, Craig Thomas puso en su cuenta de Twitter que los personajes del spin-off no serían introducidos en esta novena temporada a diferencia de lo que se rumoreó, por lo que la serie será completamente diferente. Claro que sí, Craig.
CBS has ordered the pilot, which will be written and directed by Craig Thomas and Carter Bays with Emily Spivey. Also, Craig Thomas said in his Twitter account that none of the characters of the spin-off would be introduced in the ninth season of HIMYM, so it would be a complete new series. Of course it will, Craig.
Confirmados los spin-off de HIMYM y The Walking Dead, ya sólo nos queda huir lo más rápido y lejos que podamos y rescatar grandes series "antiguas" como Los Soprano, Six Feet Under, Friends, Frasier o The Wire.
Confirmed the spin-offs of HIMYM and The Walking Dead, we only have left to run away as fast and far away as possible and rescue great series from the past such as The Sopranos, Six Feet Under, Friends, Frasier or The Wire.
Just two weeks ago we brought you in a post the rumors about the possible spin-off of How I Met Your Mother titled, literally, How I Met Your Dad - no, it doesn't resemble the name of the original series! -. Well, I'm afraid I've got bad news: it is not a rumor anymore since it has been confirmed by the CBS.
CBS ya ha pedido el piloto, que como sabéis será escrito y dirigido por Craig Thomas y Carter Bays junto a Emily Spivey. Además, Craig Thomas puso en su cuenta de Twitter que los personajes del spin-off no serían introducidos en esta novena temporada a diferencia de lo que se rumoreó, por lo que la serie será completamente diferente. Claro que sí, Craig.
CBS has ordered the pilot, which will be written and directed by Craig Thomas and Carter Bays with Emily Spivey. Also, Craig Thomas said in his Twitter account that none of the characters of the spin-off would be introduced in the ninth season of HIMYM, so it would be a complete new series. Of course it will, Craig.
Confirmados los spin-off de HIMYM y The Walking Dead, ya sólo nos queda huir lo más rápido y lejos que podamos y rescatar grandes series "antiguas" como Los Soprano, Six Feet Under, Friends, Frasier o The Wire.
Confirmed the spin-offs of HIMYM and The Walking Dead, we only have left to run away as fast and far away as possible and rescue great series from the past such as The Sopranos, Six Feet Under, Friends, Frasier or The Wire.
Breaking Bad - Alternative ending
Todos hemos visto el espectacular final de la quinta temporada de Breaking Bad, pero... ¿a que no sabíais que Vince Gilligan hizo un final alternativo?
We have all seen the spectacular series finale of Breaking Bad, but… did you know that Vince Gilligan made an alternative ending?
We have all seen the spectacular series finale of Breaking Bad, but… did you know that Vince Gilligan made an alternative ending?
Shameless - 4th season promo
¡Ya están aquí los Gallaghers! El próximo 13 de enero se estrena la cuarta temporada de Shameless, y desde Showtime nos han dado este trailer que solo nos pone histéricos porque empiece ya la temporada. Employment, education y health care. Tiene pinta de que no van a dejar títere con cabeza en esta temporada - para variar -.
Here are the Gallaghers! The fourth season of Shameless will start the next 13th of January, and Showtime has given as this promo that only makes us more eager to see the series! Employment, education and health care. It seems that they are not going to leave any American typical issue behind - as usually -.
En el trailer sólo aparecen Fiona, Lip y Frank, por lo que no nos dan ninguna pista acerca de las tramas abiertas que quedaron la temporada pasada. Además, tendremos nuevas incorporaciones al reparto, como James Allen McCune, Danika Yarosk, Emily Bergl y Nick Gehlfuss, que no os voy a desvelar qué papeles interpretarán. Y si aún no habéis visto la serie, tenéis dos meses para poneros al día, que creedme que merece la pena (pasaros por este link para saber por qué deberíais verla). ¡A disfrutar del trailer!
In the promo we can only see Fiona, Lip and Frank, so they don't give us any clue about the open plots that were left behind last season. Also, we'll have new incorporations to the cast, such as James Allen McCune, Danika Yarosk, Emily Bergl and Nick Gehlfuss, but I will not spoil you by telling you which roles are they going to play. And if you haven't watched the series, you have two months to catch up with this amazing show, believe me, it's worthy (just have a look in this link if you wanna know why). And now… enjoy the promo!
jueves, 14 de noviembre de 2013
Doctor Who - The mini episode
Desde la BBC han emitido un mini episodio de 7 minutos en forma de precuela para el especial de los 50 años de Doctor Who, The Day of the Doctor. Y como sorpresa, la aparición del octavo doctor, interpretado por Paul McGann.
The BBC has broadcasted a 7-minutes mini episode as a prequel for the special episode of the 50 years of Doctor Who, The Day of the Doctor. It has a little surprise too, we've been able to see the eight doctor, played by Paul McGann.
The BBC has broadcasted a 7-minutes mini episode as a prequel for the special episode of the 50 years of Doctor Who, The Day of the Doctor. It has a little surprise too, we've been able to see the eight doctor, played by Paul McGann.
miércoles, 13 de noviembre de 2013
How I Met Your Mother - Algo no va bien
A medida que se aproximaba el estreno de la novena temporada de How I Met Your Mother me vino a la cabeza comentarle a mi amiga Miss Whatever la idea de participar en notodopuedeserlost escribiendo sobre el tramo final de la aventura amorosa de Ted Mosby. Al igual que muchos, ella ya estaba cansada de la sitcom del momento, y encima nos encontrábamos con la posibilidad de visionar decenas de otras series que las superaban en calidad.
Y ahí es donde entraba yo. Yo seguía manteniendo casi al completo la ilusión de los primeros días, esos días en los que un pub irlandés y un loft en el centro de Nueva York nos transmitía sentimientos "parecidos" a los que sentimos en el gran Central Perk de los 90 (que queden claras las comillas). Pensé que podía sacar el lado positivo a cada episodio sin machacarlo a base de "desde la quinta ya no es lo que era". Pero señores..."No question asked" y "The lighthouse"… me han tocado las pelotas. Así de claro.
Y ahí es donde entraba yo. Yo seguía manteniendo casi al completo la ilusión de los primeros días, esos días en los que un pub irlandés y un loft en el centro de Nueva York nos transmitía sentimientos "parecidos" a los que sentimos en el gran Central Perk de los 90 (que queden claras las comillas). Pensé que podía sacar el lado positivo a cada episodio sin machacarlo a base de "desde la quinta ya no es lo que era". Pero señores..."No question asked" y "The lighthouse"… me han tocado las pelotas. Así de claro.
martes, 12 de noviembre de 2013
What the gif happened last week? III
Con un poco de retraso (resulta que hay un mundo paralelo al seriéfilo: estudios, carrera...muuy aburrido), aquí tenéis la tercera entrega de What the gif happened last week?
A little late (it turns out that there is a world besides tv-series: studies, university...booooring), here´s the third edition of What the gif happened last week?!
Cuando Daryl se entere de que Rick ha expulsado a Carol.
When Daryl finds out that Rick has kicked out Carol.
Después de ver la imagen de Gabourey Sidibe tocándose delante del minotauro.
After seeing the image of Gabourey Sidibe touching herself in front of the minotaur.
A little late (it turns out that there is a world besides tv-series: studies, university...booooring), here´s the third edition of What the gif happened last week?!
Cuando Daryl se entere de que Rick ha expulsado a Carol.
When Daryl finds out that Rick has kicked out Carol.
Después de ver la imagen de Gabourey Sidibe tocándose delante del minotauro.
After seeing the image of Gabourey Sidibe touching herself in front of the minotaur.
domingo, 10 de noviembre de 2013
Best TV Series Cameos Ever IV
¡Por fin es domingo! Digo... mierda, ¡ya es domingo! Pero bueno, no os desaniméis, que con los domingos viene la mejor lista de la semana. Y esta vez vamos a centrarnos en famosos que han participado en las series y que básicamente se han llevado todo el protagonismo del resto... Aquí tenéis la "Best TV Series Cameos Ever... Fam Edition!" ¿Listos para ver qué os traigo ? Pues seguid leyendo.
Finally it's Sunday! I mean... Fuck, it's Sunday already! But don't you worry, because with the Sundays comes the best list of the week. And this time we're going to talk about famous people that has participated in series and that they have basically taken all the attention... So here's the "Best TV Series Cameos Ever... Fam Edition!". Are you ready? Keep reading!
Bruce Willis en Friends
Bruce Willis on Friends
Como siempre, qué mejor que empezar con Friends. Cómo podría no mencionar en esta Fam Edition aquellos maravillosos capítulos en los que Bruce Willis hace de novio de Rachel... Como son varios capítulos no se si se considera cameo en sí, pero como a mí me encanta aquí lo pongo. No os perdáis el video y los capítulos, son simplemente geniales.
As always, there's nothing better than to start with Friends. How couldn't I mention in this Fam Edition those awesome episodes of Friends in which Bruce Willis plays one of Rachel's boyfriends. He appears in several episodes so I don't really know if it's considered a cameo, but I love it and that's why it is in the list! Don't miss the video below and the episodes, they're just great.
Finally it's Sunday! I mean... Fuck, it's Sunday already! But don't you worry, because with the Sundays comes the best list of the week. And this time we're going to talk about famous people that has participated in series and that they have basically taken all the attention... So here's the "Best TV Series Cameos Ever... Fam Edition!". Are you ready? Keep reading!
Bruce Willis en Friends
Bruce Willis on Friends
Como siempre, qué mejor que empezar con Friends. Cómo podría no mencionar en esta Fam Edition aquellos maravillosos capítulos en los que Bruce Willis hace de novio de Rachel... Como son varios capítulos no se si se considera cameo en sí, pero como a mí me encanta aquí lo pongo. No os perdáis el video y los capítulos, son simplemente geniales.
As always, there's nothing better than to start with Friends. How couldn't I mention in this Fam Edition those awesome episodes of Friends in which Bruce Willis plays one of Rachel's boyfriends. He appears in several episodes so I don't really know if it's considered a cameo, but I love it and that's why it is in the list! Don't miss the video below and the episodes, they're just great.
viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2013
Game of Thrones - Season 4 cast
Cada vez hay menos incorporaciones en lo que se refiere al casting de la cuarta temporada de Game of Thrones, y de hecho se pensaba que ya estaba completamente cerrado. Pero de vez en cuando los de HBO nos sorprenden con alguno nuevo. Si queréis enteraros de las últimas comidillas seguid leyendo, pero si queréis llegar completamente virgenes al estreno de la cuarta, ¡huid! Tranquilos, no hay casi spoilers!
There are less incorporations to the cast of the fourth season of Game of Thrones every day, and in fact we thought that it had completely closed by now. But we were wrong, since HBO likes to surprise us once in a while. If you wanna now about the latest news of GoT keep reading, but if you wanna get to the premiere completely spoiler-free, run away! Don't worry, there aren't any important spoilers.
Styr, el Magnar de Thenn, pasa de ser interpretrado como pensábamos por Joseph Gatt a Yuri Kolokolnikov. Os sonará de películas como V tvoikh glazakh o quizás Schastlivyy konets. ¿No? ¿Y de Obrechyonnye na voynu? ¡Venga ya! Pero si son buenísimas. O al menos eso dicen en Rusia.
Styr, the Magna of Thenn, is going to be played by Yuri Kolokolnikov instead of Joseph Gatt as we first thought. You'll remember him from V tvoikh glazakh or maybe from Schastlivyy konets. Nothing? And what about Obrechyonnye na voynu? Come on! But they are awesome! Or at least that what they say in Russia.
There are less incorporations to the cast of the fourth season of Game of Thrones every day, and in fact we thought that it had completely closed by now. But we were wrong, since HBO likes to surprise us once in a while. If you wanna now about the latest news of GoT keep reading, but if you wanna get to the premiere completely spoiler-free, run away! Don't worry, there aren't any important spoilers.
Styr, el Magnar de Thenn, pasa de ser interpretrado como pensábamos por Joseph Gatt a Yuri Kolokolnikov. Os sonará de películas como V tvoikh glazakh o quizás Schastlivyy konets. ¿No? ¿Y de Obrechyonnye na voynu? ¡Venga ya! Pero si son buenísimas. O al menos eso dicen en Rusia.
Styr, the Magna of Thenn, is going to be played by Yuri Kolokolnikov instead of Joseph Gatt as we first thought. You'll remember him from V tvoikh glazakh or maybe from Schastlivyy konets. Nothing? And what about Obrechyonnye na voynu? Come on! But they are awesome! Or at least that what they say in Russia.
Game of Thrones - First photos of S04E09
Decir "noveno episodio de la temporada" así sin más puede que no os diga nada, pero si digo que estoy hablando de Game of Thrones puede que ya cobre algún significado ¿verdad? Y es que durante toda la temporada esperamos ansiosos a que llegue ese episodio; aquel en el que el honorable Eddard Stark perdió la cabeza (1x09), cuando King's Landing sufrió la batalla de Blackwater (2x09) y La Boda que reafirmó que "en el juego de tronos o ganas o mueres" (3x09). Pues hace pocos días nos llegó la primera foto del rodaje del 4x09. Para aquellos no lectores puede que os deje indiferentes, pero para aquellos que ya hayan leído "Tormenta de espadas" pillarán al vuelo la trama en la que se va a centrar. Tanto para unos como para otros, si no os importan los SPOILERS... ¿a qué estáis esperando? ¡Pasad!
Saying "ninth episode of the season" may not mean anything to you, but if we add "of Game of Thrones" it changes, right? Every season we are eager to watch the ninth episode. Just remember the previous three season: S01E09 Eddard Stark lost his head, S02E09 King's Landing suffered the Blackwater Battle and in the S03E09 we saw the famous Red Wedding. Well, a few days ago we saw the photo of the filming of the S04E09. For those of you that haven't read the books may not be that important, but for those of us that have read "A Storm of Swords" will know what I am talking about. For all of you, just if you don't care about SPOILERS, keep reading!
Saying "ninth episode of the season" may not mean anything to you, but if we add "of Game of Thrones" it changes, right? Every season we are eager to watch the ninth episode. Just remember the previous three season: S01E09 Eddard Stark lost his head, S02E09 King's Landing suffered the Blackwater Battle and in the S03E09 we saw the famous Red Wedding. Well, a few days ago we saw the photo of the filming of the S04E09. For those of you that haven't read the books may not be that important, but for those of us that have read "A Storm of Swords" will know what I am talking about. For all of you, just if you don't care about SPOILERS, keep reading!
jueves, 7 de noviembre de 2013
New Girl - Coach is back!
Parece ser que de la única comedia de la que se habla ahora mismo es de How I Met Your Mother. Al menos, los comentarios han pasado a ser bastante más realistas en esta novena temporada, en la que los guionistas han conseguido hartar a toda la audiencia. Pero yo como siempre prefiero hablar de otras comedias, en este caso de New Girl.
It seems that the only comedy we hear about nowadays is How I Met Your Mother. At least, the critics have changed and are more realistic in its ninth season, in which the writers have been able to disappoint all the audience. But as always, I prefer to talk about another comedy, in this case New Girl.
La tercera temporada está siendo, al igual que las dos primeras, geniales. No hay un sólo capítulo en el que no te rías a carcajada suelta. Si hay alguien por ahí que todavía no la haya visto, que empiece a hacerlo, merece la pena aunque sea solo por ver las geniales expresiones de Nick.
The third season is, as the two first were, awesome. There isn't one episode in which you don't laugh your ass out. If there's someone out there that hasn't watch it yet, please do! It's worthy even if it's only to see Nick's awesome expressions.
En el último capítulo hemos tenido una especie de contestación a lo que siempre me ha intrigado de esta serie: en el piloto aparecían Jess, Schmidt, Nick y Coach. Este último fue sustituido por Winston en el segundo capítulo sin que se mencionase nada al respecto, lo cual me pareció la típica cagada cogida con pinzas y seamos sinceros, un poco racista (¿pensarían los guionistas que no seríamos capaces de distinguirlos porque ambos eran negros?).
In the last episode we've had an answer for one of the most intriguing questions of this series: in the pilot we met Jess, Schmidt, Nick and Coach. The last one disappeared in the second episode and was substituted by Winston without any kind of explanation, which looked like a mess up and also quite racist, let's be honest (did the writers think that we wouldn't be able to distinguish them because they are both black?)
Pues el actor que hacía de Coach, Damon Wayans Jr., volvió en el último capítulo, y por lo que parece planea quedarse para el resto de la temporada visto el éxito que ha acogido su regreso. Yo personalmente no me cansaré de escenas como esta.
The actor that played Coach, Damon Wayans Jr., came back in the last episode, and he's planning to stay for the rest of the season considering the good critics about his return. I personally won't be tired of seeing things like this.
It seems that the only comedy we hear about nowadays is How I Met Your Mother. At least, the critics have changed and are more realistic in its ninth season, in which the writers have been able to disappoint all the audience. But as always, I prefer to talk about another comedy, in this case New Girl.
La tercera temporada está siendo, al igual que las dos primeras, geniales. No hay un sólo capítulo en el que no te rías a carcajada suelta. Si hay alguien por ahí que todavía no la haya visto, que empiece a hacerlo, merece la pena aunque sea solo por ver las geniales expresiones de Nick.
The third season is, as the two first were, awesome. There isn't one episode in which you don't laugh your ass out. If there's someone out there that hasn't watch it yet, please do! It's worthy even if it's only to see Nick's awesome expressions.
En el último capítulo hemos tenido una especie de contestación a lo que siempre me ha intrigado de esta serie: en el piloto aparecían Jess, Schmidt, Nick y Coach. Este último fue sustituido por Winston en el segundo capítulo sin que se mencionase nada al respecto, lo cual me pareció la típica cagada cogida con pinzas y seamos sinceros, un poco racista (¿pensarían los guionistas que no seríamos capaces de distinguirlos porque ambos eran negros?).
In the last episode we've had an answer for one of the most intriguing questions of this series: in the pilot we met Jess, Schmidt, Nick and Coach. The last one disappeared in the second episode and was substituted by Winston without any kind of explanation, which looked like a mess up and also quite racist, let's be honest (did the writers think that we wouldn't be able to distinguish them because they are both black?)
Pues el actor que hacía de Coach, Damon Wayans Jr., volvió en el último capítulo, y por lo que parece planea quedarse para el resto de la temporada visto el éxito que ha acogido su regreso. Yo personalmente no me cansaré de escenas como esta.
The actor that played Coach, Damon Wayans Jr., came back in the last episode, and he's planning to stay for the rest of the season considering the good critics about his return. I personally won't be tired of seeing things like this.
miércoles, 6 de noviembre de 2013
TV series' Looks-Alike
Cuando un seriéfilo de prestigio está viendo una serie y
dice “Ey, ese tío me suena”, puede ser por dos razones: o bien es un actor de
otra serie haciendo un cameo - opción para la cual ya tenemos una serie de
entradas en este blog (¡Best TV Cameos Ever!) - o bien es que ese tío que estás viendo en
pantalla es IGUAL que alguien que conoces. Para todos los que nos ha pasado
When a complete freak of TV series (like me) is watching one of them and says "Hey, I know that guy!" there are two options: either he's an actor from another series - and in this case we have the section Best TV Cameos Ever! for you to check it out - or the guy you are seeing in the screen is so fucking similar to another one. For those of you that suffer of this condition... here's our TV Series' Looks-Alike!
When a complete freak of TV series (like me) is watching one of them and says "Hey, I know that guy!" there are two options: either he's an actor from another series - and in this case we have the section Best TV Cameos Ever! for you to check it out - or the guy you are seeing in the screen is so fucking similar to another one. For those of you that suffer of this condition... here's our TV Series' Looks-Alike!
Empezamos con una indiscutible: Sarah Hyland (la pija Haley de Modern Family).
Resulta que la hija de Phil Dunphy fue separada de Mila Kunis al nacer.
Let's start with an easy one: Sarah Hyland (the little princess Haley in Modern Family). Phil Dunphy's daughter was separated from Mila Kunis at birth.
Let's start with an easy one: Sarah Hyland (the little princess Haley in Modern Family). Phil Dunphy's daughter was separated from Mila Kunis at birth.
Boardwalk Empire,
Breaking Bad,
Game of thrones,
Modern Family,
New Girl,
Prison Break,
The Big Bang Theory,
Two and a Half men
How I Met Your Mother - Bryan Cranston's promo
Pocos habrá a los que le esté gustando el curso de esta novena - y última gracias a Dios - temporada de How I Met Your Mother. Pero aún queda alguna esperanza, ¡no os preocupéis! Aquí va la promo del próximo capítulo de la serie con... ¡Bryan Cranston!
There won't be many of you that still like the ninth - and last thanks God - season of How I Met Your Mother. But there's still hope, don't you worry! Here's the promo of the next episode of the season with the special appearance of... Bryan Cranston!
lunes, 4 de noviembre de 2013
Community - And the new guest is... Vince Gilligan!
La quinta temporada de Community no empieza hasta el 2 de enero, pero no paran de salir noticias acerca de las diferentes estrellas invitadas que aparecerán en la serie. Hace poco os hablábamos de la incorporación de Jonathan Banks (Mike de Breaking Bad) en 11 de los 13 episodios. Hoy otro miembro de Breaking Bad se une al reparto, el mismísimo Vince Gilligan, creador de la serie. Aparecerá en un episodio - que se está rodando ahora mismo - en el que hará de un cazafortunas que creará problemas entre Abed y Annie.
The fifth season of Community will air the 2nd of January, but we have a lot of news about the guest stars that will appear in the series. A few days ago they announced that Jonathan Banks (Mike from Breaking Bad) was going to appear in 11 of the 13 episodes of the series. Today we've learned that another member of Breaking Bad will join the cast, and it will be Vince Gilligan, the creator of the series. He will play a gold digger that will create problems between Abed and Annie.
Os recordarmos que esta quinta temporada está cargada de estrellas invitadas, ya que además de las dos mencionadas previamente tendremos también a Walton Goggins (The Shield), Nathan Fillion (Castle), Robert Patrick (Los Soprano) y Paget Brewster (Mentes Criminales) entre otros muchos. Entre esto y el regreso de Dan Harmon, la quinta temporada de nuestra comedia favorita promete.
I'd like to remind you that the fifth season is full of guest stars, since apart from the two that I have just mentioned, we'll have Walton Goggins (The Shield), Nathan Fillion (Castle), Robert Patrick (The Sopranos) and Paget Brewster (Criminal Minds) among others. Between this and the return of Dan Harmon, the fifth season of our favorite comedy looks pretty good.
The fifth season of Community will air the 2nd of January, but we have a lot of news about the guest stars that will appear in the series. A few days ago they announced that Jonathan Banks (Mike from Breaking Bad) was going to appear in 11 of the 13 episodes of the series. Today we've learned that another member of Breaking Bad will join the cast, and it will be Vince Gilligan, the creator of the series. He will play a gold digger that will create problems between Abed and Annie.
Os recordarmos que esta quinta temporada está cargada de estrellas invitadas, ya que además de las dos mencionadas previamente tendremos también a Walton Goggins (The Shield), Nathan Fillion (Castle), Robert Patrick (Los Soprano) y Paget Brewster (Mentes Criminales) entre otros muchos. Entre esto y el regreso de Dan Harmon, la quinta temporada de nuestra comedia favorita promete.
I'd like to remind you that the fifth season is full of guest stars, since apart from the two that I have just mentioned, we'll have Walton Goggins (The Shield), Nathan Fillion (Castle), Robert Patrick (The Sopranos) and Paget Brewster (Criminal Minds) among others. Between this and the return of Dan Harmon, the fifth season of our favorite comedy looks pretty good.
domingo, 3 de noviembre de 2013
Best TV Cameos Ever III
Hoy es domingo, y aparte de significar que mañana empieza la semana y todos estamos pensando que qué mierda que se haya acabado el finDE, significa también ¡que vuelve la lista de los mejores cameos de la televisión! Como todos sabéis - y si no sólo leed el título del blog - soy una gran amante de Lost. Y por ello, esta tercera edición será Best TV Cameos Ever, LOST EDITION!
Today is Sunday, and it means that tomorrow starts the week and we are all thinking that it sucks that the weekend is over, but it means too that Best TV Cameos Ever is back! As you all know - and if not, read the blog's title - I'm a great Lost's fan. And that's why this third edition will be... Best TV Cameos Ever, LOST EDITION!
Josh Holloway (Sawyer) en Community
Josh Holloway (Sawyer) on Community
Para los fans de Community y de Lost, el episodio del paintball al final de temporada en el que aparece Josh Holloway como el malo es épico. Solo la aparición de "Sawyer" hace el capítulo genial - aunque la verdad es que lo habría sido igualmente sin él -. Ved el vídeo y decidme que no echáis de menos a Sawyer... There's a new sheriff in town!
For Community and Lost's fans, the paintball-episode at the end of the season in which Josh Holloway appears as the bad guy is epic. Only his appearence makes a great episode - although it would have been a great episode anyway -. Watch the video and tell me you don´t miss Sawyer... There´s a new sheriff in town!
Today is Sunday, and it means that tomorrow starts the week and we are all thinking that it sucks that the weekend is over, but it means too that Best TV Cameos Ever is back! As you all know - and if not, read the blog's title - I'm a great Lost's fan. And that's why this third edition will be... Best TV Cameos Ever, LOST EDITION!
Josh Holloway (Sawyer) en Community
Josh Holloway (Sawyer) on Community
Para los fans de Community y de Lost, el episodio del paintball al final de temporada en el que aparece Josh Holloway como el malo es épico. Solo la aparición de "Sawyer" hace el capítulo genial - aunque la verdad es que lo habría sido igualmente sin él -. Ved el vídeo y decidme que no echáis de menos a Sawyer... There's a new sheriff in town!
For Community and Lost's fans, the paintball-episode at the end of the season in which Josh Holloway appears as the bad guy is epic. Only his appearence makes a great episode - although it would have been a great episode anyway -. Watch the video and tell me you don´t miss Sawyer... There´s a new sheriff in town!
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