lunes, 15 de abril de 2013

Community - Square!

Para todos aquellos infieles incrédulos que pensabais que Community estaba acabada, tomad el último capitulo de esta gran serie. Si algo nos ENCANTA de la genial comedia son los capítulos especiales, ya sea el de Navidad o los del paintball. Pues bien, el último capítulo no ha sido para menos. Los 6 de Greendale - ah, no, siete, que me olvidaba de Pierce - se transforman el marionetas para poder relatar la vergonzosa experiencia que han sufrido tras desvelar cada uno su más temido secreto. Las canciones pegadizas y geniales, como siempre. Puntazo el juego de Troy y Abed: Square! Las marionetas perfectas. El capítulo me ha encantado, y para aquellos que piensen que esta serie está perdiendo calidad y que será cancelada, yo les digo: bitch, please.

For all of you unfaithful doubters who thought Community was ended, take the last episode of this amazing series. If there is something we LOVE about this awesome series is the special episodes, from the Xmas one to the paintball one. Well, last episode was much more of that. The six of Greendale - oh, wait, there're seven, I had forgotten Pierce - transform into puppets to be able to tell their embarrasing story, where all of them had told their worst secret. The songs catchy and awesome, as always. The game of Troy and Abed just great: Square! The puppets perfect. I just loved the episode, and for those of you that think that the series is losing it and that it will be cancelled, I can only say to you: bitch, please. 

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