Llevo un rato mirando la página en blanco, pensando cómo ponerle el broche a una de las mejores series de los últimos años. Pero es difícil. Después de 6 años, Breaking Bad terminó anoche, con un final que ha revolucionado todo Twitter, Facebook y demás redes sociales. Opiniones ha habido muchas, pero yo me pregunto, ¿ha sido un final digno de Breaking Bad?
I've been a while staring at the blank page, thinking how to end one of the best series of the last years. But it is difficult. After 6 years, Breaking Bad finished last night, with an end that has woken all Twitter, Facebook and every other social network. There have been many opinions about it, but I do wonder, has it been an end worthy of Breaking Bad?
Blog dedicado a la actualidad del mundo seriéfilo. Si no hay una noticia es que estoy de vacaciones.
lunes, 30 de septiembre de 2013
Breaking Bad - Walter White's transformation
Aún no he visto Breaking Bad - lo sé, lo sé, ha sido épico, ¡dejad de spoilearme! - así que la review tendrá que esperar aún algunas horas. Para calmar las ansias, aquí va un gif genial de la transformación de nuestro químico.
I haven't watched Breaking Bad's finale yet - yes, I know, I know, it has been epic, just stop spoiling me! -, so the review will have to wait a few hours. In the meantime, here's a great gift of our favorite chemistry teacher's transformation.
I haven't watched Breaking Bad's finale yet - yes, I know, I know, it has been epic, just stop spoiling me! -, so the review will have to wait a few hours. In the meantime, here's a great gift of our favorite chemistry teacher's transformation.
"You see, technically, chemistry is the study of matter, but I prefer to see it as the study of change: Electrons change their energy levels. Molecules change their bonds. Elements combine and change into compounds. But that's all of life, right? It's the constant, it's the cycle. It's solution, dissolution. Just over and over and over. It is growth, then decay, then transformation. It is fascinating, really."
viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2013
jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2013
Criminal Justice - Robert De Niro substitues great James Gandolfini
Como todos recordamos, el actor James Gandolfini murió hace unos pocos meses. Entre otras muchas cosas, dejó en el camino un nuevo proyecto con la HBO, Criminal Justice. El proyecto se suspendió inmediatamente tras su muerte, ya que no tenía sentido sin él. Pero ahora la cadena ha encontrado un sustituto que consideran digno de él, que no es otro que el mismísimo Robert De Niro. Yo habría preferido a Gandolfini para el papel, pero hay que admitir que esto vuelve a darle esperanzas a la serie.
As we all remember, the actor James Gandolfini died a few months ago. Among other things, he left behind a project with HBO, Criminal Justice. It was suspended just after his death, since it was no sense without him. But now HBO has found someone able to substitute him. Robert De Niro will play the role that Gandolfini would have played. I would have preferred Gandolfini, but I have to admit that this gives new hope to the series.
Breaking Bad - The happy moments
A un sólo capítulo de que acabe Breaking Bad, el futuro que vemos es muy negro. Y parece imposible que fuera una serie llena de buenos momentos y escenas que te hicieran sonreír. Pero para que no se os olvide - antes del terrible y masacrante final - aquí va este video.
With only one episode left before the end of Breaking Bad, the future we see is really bad. And it seems impossible that it were once a series full of happy moments and scenes that made you smile. So try not to forget it - before the horrible ending - with this video.
With only one episode left before the end of Breaking Bad, the future we see is really bad. And it seems impossible that it were once a series full of happy moments and scenes that made you smile. So try not to forget it - before the horrible ending - with this video.
American Horror Story - Coven intro
Ya tenemos la intro de la tercera temporada de AHS, Coven. La musiquita que te pone los pelos de punta no cambia, no os preocupéis.
We already have the intro of the third season of AHS, Coven. The music that freaks you out is still the same, don't you worry.
We already have the intro of the third season of AHS, Coven. The music that freaks you out is still the same, don't you worry.
miércoles, 25 de septiembre de 2013
Lost - How it should have been
Incluso para los que somos fans incondicionales de Lost, está muy claro que la serie fue una apuesta muy arriesgada. ¿Un avión que se estrella en una isla llena de misterios que no sólo no se resuelven sino que aumentan cada temporada? Parece la típica serie de la que te cansas después de tres capítulos sin que te resuelvan nada - y para muchos probablemente así fue -. Entonces, siendo la abc una cadena que no se caracteriza precisamente por apuestas arriesgadas, ¿cómo fue aceptado el piloto?
Even for the unconditional fans of Lost like me, it's clear that the series was such a risky bet. A plane that crashes in an island full of mysteries which not only don't get resolved but increase every season? It seems the kind of show you would get tired of after two episodes without knowing what the hell is going on - and for many it probably was like that -. And knowing that abc isn't famous for its risky projects, how come they accepted the pilot?
Even for the unconditional fans of Lost like me, it's clear that the series was such a risky bet. A plane that crashes in an island full of mysteries which not only don't get resolved but increase every season? It seems the kind of show you would get tired of after two episodes without knowing what the hell is going on - and for many it probably was like that -. And knowing that abc isn't famous for its risky projects, how come they accepted the pilot?
Breaking Bad - S05E15 "Granite State"
Qué difícil es hablar de Heisenberg a estas alturas. O de Walter White. O de ambos, que se intercambian a cada minuto de capítulo. Queda un capítulo, un sólo capítulo, de la mejor serie que tenemos ahora mismo, Breaking Bad. Y no lo digo yo - que se que sería suficiente -, sino los Emmys, ya que no hace ni 48h que recibió el Emmy a Mejor Drama. Y con razón.
It's difficult to talk about Heisenberg right now. Or of Walter White. Or of both of them. We have just one episode left, JUST ONE, of the best series of the moment, Breaking Bad. And it's not me who says it - which I know would be enough -, but the Emmys, since it received the Outstanding Drama Series Emmy 2 days ago.
It's difficult to talk about Heisenberg right now. Or of Walter White. Or of both of them. We have just one episode left, JUST ONE, of the best series of the moment, Breaking Bad. And it's not me who says it - which I know would be enough -, but the Emmys, since it received the Outstanding Drama Series Emmy 2 days ago.
lunes, 23 de septiembre de 2013
How I Met Your Mother - Where were we?
Lo sé, lo sé... Muchos os levantaréis mañana y en lo último que pensaréis es en el regreso de esta sitcom, y en gran parte se lo merece. Con unas magníficas primeras temporadas, How I Met Your Mother comenzó a caer en barrena en su segunda mitad. El excesivo dramatismo y un Ted que cada vez es más pasteloso, transformaron a lo que fue una de las comedias más entretenidas del momento, en una aglomeración de géneros que no cumple como debiera su objetivo principal: hacer reír. Y por ello gran parte de su público permanecerá pegada a la pantalla "aguantando" su última temporada, para conocer el desenlace entre Ted y The mother, y no sentir que ha estado perdiendo su tiempo.
I know, I know... Many of you will get up tomorrow morning and in the last thing you'll thing will be in the return of this sitcom, and it deserves it. With some awesome firsts seasons, How I Met Your Mother's quality started to fall. The drama and Ted's moaning transformed the series from one of the best comedies of the moment towards a boring series that had forgotten its main objective: make laugh. And this is why the majority of the audience will watch the series just because it's the last, to know Ted and The Mother's story and don't feel that they have lost their time.
domingo, 15 de septiembre de 2013
Game of Thrones - News from Westeros
Llevamos unos días sin anunciar nada sobre Juego de Tronos,
pero eso ya se ha acabado. Volvemos con vosotros para traeros las últimas
novedades de la cuarta temporada. Siguen llegando nuevos actores a la familia
de Poniente, y con ellos nuevas tramas que contar, aunque en esta ocasión los
que os vamos a presentar son personajes más bien secundarios. Pero lo mejor de
todo es que...¡tenemos fecha de estreno!
miércoles, 11 de septiembre de 2013
Hannibal - Primeras noticias 2ª temporada
Ya queda menos para la vuelta al cole / universidad / ¿trabajo?, y Hannibal no podía ser menos. Bryan Fuller, showrunner de la serie, colgó ayer una foto en twitter de nuestro serial-killer favorito (con permiso de Dexter), durante el primer día de rodaje tras las vacaciones. ¿Se acercaría alguien a Mads Mikkelsen esa mañana para ofrecerle una "relaxing cup of café con leche" viendo esa cara de pocos amigos?
Back to school / university / job? it´s coming, and Hannibal couldn´t be the exception. Bryan Fuller, showrunner of the show, posted yesterday a photo on twitter of our favourite serial-killer (with Dexter´s permission), during the first day of shooting after the holidays. Would anyone approach him to offer "a relaxing cup of café con leche" seeing his unfriendly face?
De momento no hay fecha para la vuelta de Hannibal, pero será a lo largo de 2014, con 13 nuevos capítulos.
The show has no return date for the moment, but we know it will be in 2014, with 13 new episodes.
¡Y os recuerdo que podéis seguirme también ahora en Facebook y Twitter!
You can follow me now on my Facebook page and Twitter!
martes, 10 de septiembre de 2013
Breaking Bad - S05E13 "To hajiilee"
No podia irme (durante unos días, que no os entre el pánico) sin hablaros del pedazo de capitulo de Breaking Bad de ayer. Llevamos ya 5 capítulos de la segunda parte de la quinta temporada, lo que para los acalcúlicos que me lean significa que en 3 capítulos dejaremos de oír las constantes mentiras de Mr. W, los "biatch" de Jesse y los "dad, I want breakfast" de Walter Jr. ¿Habéis visto ya el ultimo capitulo? ¡Pues seguid leyendo!
I couldn't leave (don't worry, just for s few days) without writing about the amazing episode of Breaking Bad of last Sunday. We've already seen five episodes of the second half of the fifth season, which, for those of you who are unable to make basic maths, means that we have only three more episodes of Walter's lies, Jesse's "biatchs" and Walter Jr.'s breakfasts. Have you watched last episode? Keep reading!
lunes, 9 de septiembre de 2013
True Detective - HBO's new toy
Anoche, junto a la emisión del primer capítulo de la cuarta temporada de Boardwalk Empire (capítulo que por cierto estoy a punto de ver) se emitió el trailer de la nueva apuesta de la cadena, True Detective. Matthew McConaughey y Woody Harrelson darán vida a un par de policías en Louisiana que llevan siguiendo a un asesino en serie durante 17 años. El drama nos contará por medio de flashbacks el caso y lo que ha afectado este a las vidas de los dos policías.
Las night, just before the beginning of the first episode of Boardwalk Empire's fourth season (episode that I'm about to watch), HBO aired the promo of its new series, True Detective. Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson will play two detectives in Louisiana that have been after a serial killer for 17 years. The drama tells us the case with the help of some flashbacks and the way it has affected their lives.
Siguiendo el estilo de American Horror Story, HBO ha decidido que cada temporada contará con nuevos protagonistas que investiguen un caso, pero que no se repetirán los personajes ni las historias. A continuación os dejo el trailer. Creo que tiene buena pinta - al menos como para darle la oportunidad de ver el piloto -, y siendo de la HBO la apuesta es casi segura.
Following American Horror Story's style, HBO has decided that each season will have different characters, actors and case. Here's the promo that was aired yesterday. The fact that is from HBO is always a good sign, so I believe it deserves at least that we watch the pilot.
Las night, just before the beginning of the first episode of Boardwalk Empire's fourth season (episode that I'm about to watch), HBO aired the promo of its new series, True Detective. Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson will play two detectives in Louisiana that have been after a serial killer for 17 years. The drama tells us the case with the help of some flashbacks and the way it has affected their lives.
Siguiendo el estilo de American Horror Story, HBO ha decidido que cada temporada contará con nuevos protagonistas que investiguen un caso, pero que no se repetirán los personajes ni las historias. A continuación os dejo el trailer. Creo que tiene buena pinta - al menos como para darle la oportunidad de ver el piloto -, y siendo de la HBO la apuesta es casi segura.
Following American Horror Story's style, HBO has decided that each season will have different characters, actors and case. Here's the promo that was aired yesterday. The fact that is from HBO is always a good sign, so I believe it deserves at least that we watch the pilot.
domingo, 8 de septiembre de 2013
The Walking Dead - 4th season promos
A un poquito más de un mes para que empiece la cuarta temporada de The Walking Dead, los fans estamos casi temblando. Y más que por la expectativa de qué estará pasando en la prisión, las sacudidas se deben a la incertidumbre de si se seguirán cargando o no los comics que dieron origen a la serie. Los showrunners en esta serie duran menos que los actores que interpretan a The Mountain en GoT. Durante la primera y segunda temporada tuvimos a Frank Darabont, que más a o menos se ajustó a los cómics. Terminó rendido al final de la segunda, y lo sustituyó Glen Mazzara, que tras una temporada ha tirado la toalla. En esta nueva temporada tendremos la incorporación de Scott M. Gimple, que fue guionista, entre otras, de Flashforward. ¿Entendéis ya por qué estamos temblando todos?
The fourth season of The Walking Dead will start in a month and the fans are trembling. Why is that? Well, more that the excitement of knowing what's happening in the prison, the trembling is due to the doubt whereas they will screw up even more the series or not. The showrunners of the series last less than the actor of The Mountain in GoT. During the first and second season we had Frank Darabont, who followed more or less the comics. He run away at the end of the second, and what substituted by Glen Mazzara, who also quit after a season. On the forth we'll have Scott M. Gimple, who was a screenwriter of Flashforward. Now you understand why we are trembling, right?
Well, I really don't know how the end of the season will be, but what is clear is that right now it's having a lot of publicity, So here are the promos of the season, value them by yourselves!
The fourth season of The Walking Dead will start in a month and the fans are trembling. Why is that? Well, more that the excitement of knowing what's happening in the prison, the trembling is due to the doubt whereas they will screw up even more the series or not. The showrunners of the series last less than the actor of The Mountain in GoT. During the first and second season we had Frank Darabont, who followed more or less the comics. He run away at the end of the second, and what substituted by Glen Mazzara, who also quit after a season. On the forth we'll have Scott M. Gimple, who was a screenwriter of Flashforward. Now you understand why we are trembling, right?
Pues bien, no se cómo va a ir la temporada, pero lo que está claro es que por ahora están dándole una barbaridad de publicidad a la temporada. Así que a continuación os dejo las promos que han ido saliendo, ¡valoradlas vosotros mismos!
Well, I really don't know how the end of the season will be, but what is clear is that right now it's having a lot of publicity, So here are the promos of the season, value them by yourselves!
sábado, 7 de septiembre de 2013
Dexter - What the hell is going on?
Como sabéis, he estado ausente durante un par de semanas (bueno, casi todo julio y agosto, no os voy a engañar a estas alturas), pero ya me ha dado tiempo a ponerme al día con las dos series del momento, Breaking Bad y Dexter. Al igual que con cada capítulo de Breaking lo flipo y pienso que está cumpliendo todas mis expectativas, con Dexter... bueno.
As you already know, I've been out during a couple of weeks (well, almost all July and August, let's be honest), but I have already watched the two big series of the moment, Breaking Bad and Dexter. With Breaking I freak out with every episode, 'cause it's just awesome, but with Dexter... well, not exactly.
As you already know, I've been out during a couple of weeks (well, almost all July and August, let's be honest), but I have already watched the two big series of the moment, Breaking Bad and Dexter. With Breaking I freak out with every episode, 'cause it's just awesome, but with Dexter... well, not exactly.
viernes, 6 de septiembre de 2013
Breaking Bad - What could have happened
¿Os acordáis cuando J. J. Abrams dijo que en el guión original Jack iba a morir en el final del primer episodio? Después de ver la serie entera, la idea parece absurda, pero... ¿y si lo hubieran hecho? ¿Cómo hubiera sido la serie? Algo así se me plantea cuando me entero de que el mismísimo Jesse Pinkman iba a llevar un destino similar a nuestro man of science, ya que iba a morir al final de la primera temporada. ¡¿Cóooomo?! Pues sí. De esto y de mucho más os hablo a continuación, ya que Vince Gilligan se ha decidido a hablar en una entrevista para Entertainment Weekly.
Do you remember when J. J. Abrams said that in the original script Jack was going to die at the end of the first episode? After watching the whole show, the idea seems quite stupid, but... what if they had done it? How would the series had been? The same question comes to my mind when I hear that Jesse Pinkman himself was going to have the same destiny as our man of science, since he was going to die at the end of season 1. Whaaaaat?! Yeap. We'll talk about this "what if" questions, so keep reading, since Vince Gilligan has decided to talk with Entertainment Weekly.
Do you remember when J. J. Abrams said that in the original script Jack was going to die at the end of the first episode? After watching the whole show, the idea seems quite stupid, but... what if they had done it? How would the series had been? The same question comes to my mind when I hear that Jesse Pinkman himself was going to have the same destiny as our man of science, since he was going to die at the end of season 1. Whaaaaat?! Yeap. We'll talk about this "what if" questions, so keep reading, since Vince Gilligan has decided to talk with Entertainment Weekly.
Glee - Beatles' special
Para los amantes de los Beatles - es decir, todo el mundo -, la próxima temporada de Glee comenzará con un especial de dos horas de los mismos. Aquí os dejo el video promocional.
For those of you who love the Beatles - and with this I mean everybody -, next season of Glee will start with a two hour special of it. Here's the promo!
Game of Thrones - Cast reactions to the Red Wedding
Todos nos acordamos de como se hicieron de famosos los videos de los fans reaccionando a la Red Wedding en YouTube. Lo que no habíamos visto aún era la reacción del cast. Aún sabiendo lo que iba a ocurrir, la escena sorprendió a todos los del reparto.
We all remember how the videos of fans' reactions to the Red Wedding went viral on YouTube. What we hadn't seen was the reaction of the cast. Even knowing what was gonna happen, the scene surprised them all.
We all remember how the videos of fans' reactions to the Red Wedding went viral on YouTube. What we hadn't seen was the reaction of the cast. Even knowing what was gonna happen, the scene surprised them all.
jueves, 5 de septiembre de 2013
miércoles, 4 de septiembre de 2013
American Horror Story - All about Coven
Falta un poco más de un mes para el estreno de la tercera temporada de AHS. Ya han salido cuatro teasers promocionales que ponen los pelos de punta, y ahora tenemos también el poster, muy al estilo de Ryan Murphy. De igual forma tenemos la sinopsis oficial de la temporada, y por si preferís descubrirla por vosotros mismos cuando encendáis la tele el 9 de octubre, ¡lo pongo tras el salto!
In less than a month the third season of AHS will start. We have already four promotional teasers which freak you out, and now also the official poster of the season. You just have to look at it to know it's made for and by Ryan Murphy. We also got the official plot of the season, and in case you wanna discover it while watching the show on the 9th of October, I'll write it after the gap!
In less than a month the third season of AHS will start. We have already four promotional teasers which freak you out, and now also the official poster of the season. You just have to look at it to know it's made for and by Ryan Murphy. We also got the official plot of the season, and in case you wanna discover it while watching the show on the 9th of October, I'll write it after the gap!
lunes, 2 de septiembre de 2013
How I Met Your Mother - First promo
El final. Llega por fin. POR FIN. La novena temporada de HIMYM empezará el 23 de septiembre, a ver si se las apañan para darle un buen cierre cargado de risas y no de llantos.
The end. Finally. FINALLY. The ninth season of HIMYM starts the 23rd of September, let's hope they end it well with a lot of laughs and no cries.
The end. Finally. FINALLY. The ninth season of HIMYM starts the 23rd of September, let's hope they end it well with a lot of laughs and no cries.
Game of Thrones - News from Westeros
Buenos días queridos Whateverianos. Septiembre ha vuelto y yo con él. Estoy dispuesta a ponerme al día de lo que me queda de noticas del mundo seriéfilo (¿a quién le importa lo que esté pasando en el resto?), así que me espera una tarde movidita. ¿Empezamos con GoT?
Good morning my beloved Whateverians. September has come back and so have I. I'm willing to catch up with all the news in the series' world (cause who cares what's going on in the real world, right?), so I have work for today. What if we get started with GoT?
Good morning my beloved Whateverians. September has come back and so have I. I'm willing to catch up with all the news in the series' world (cause who cares what's going on in the real world, right?), so I have work for today. What if we get started with GoT?
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