As I told you a long time ago in a post, Angus T. Jones, the actor that plays Jake in Two and a Half Men, was quite angry with the series, and he even made some declarations that the producers didn't like - like asking the audience to stop watching the series -. Well, Two and a Half Men has been renewed for another season, but Angus T. Jones will not be regular anymore, even though he will appear in some episodes. And what character are they going to put to replace him?
Queda feo cambiarle el nombre a Two Men y dejarse el and a Half detrás, por lo que la CBS ha decidido introducir un nuevo personaje. Llaman a la puerta de la mansión, se levanta Walden a abrir la puerta y se encuentra a una preciosa chica que ronda los 20 años que lo primero que hace es preguntar por su padre. ¿Walden? Nop. El mismísimo Charlie Sheen, cuyos genes vienen en forma de lo que más le gustaba: las mujeres.
No one would like the show to be called Two Men and leave the and a Half behind, so the CBS has decided to introduce a new character. The bell rings, Walden gets up to open the door and there he finds a beautiful 20-years-old girl and the first thing she does is ask for her father. Walden you mean? Noup. Charlie Sheen himself, whose genes come back to the show in the shape of what he loved the most: women.
Que sea guapa y alcohólica sería cosa de mi invención ya que aún están haciendo el casting, pero después de ver 10 temporadas no es difícil adivinarlo. La chica acabará viviendo en la casa con Walden y Alan, como era de esperar. ¿Le dará el nuevo personaje la vidilla que le falta a la serie? ¿O quedará tan mal como la muerte de Charlie? En cuanto a los actores principales, siguen en la serie y cómodamente, especialmente porque son los dos actores mejor pagados de la televisión en estos momentos (700.000 dólares por episodio Ashton Kutcher y algo menos Jon Cryer). Tendremos que esperar al año que viene para ver si no la cagan - del todo -.
The fact that she is pretty and alcoholic is just in my imagination 'cause they are still doing the casting, but after watching 10 seasons of the show I think I can predict it. The girl will end up living in the house with Alan and Walden, of course. Will she give the series what it lost after Charlie's death? Or it will be a disaster? The two main actors, don't you worry, will be in the series for a long time, specially since they are the two best paid actor in tv (700.000 dollars for episode Ashton Kutcher and Jon Cryer a little less). We'll have to wait till next year to see if they mess up the series - even more -.
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