Llevaba un tiempo queriendo escribir acerca de esta serie, pero francamente no sabía cómo presentárosla. A pesar de que Showtime la ha renovado para una segunda temporada (parece que, junto a Homeland, será el buque insignia de la cadena tras el final de Dexter), Ray Donovan no ha recibido buenas críticas en España. Sin embargo, desde este blog nos mojamos y os la recomendamos encarecidamente.
I wanted to talk you about this series, but honestly I didn´t know how. Even though Showtime has renewed it for a second season (it seems to be the main series of the network after Dexter0s end), Ray Donovan hasn't received good reviews in Spain. However, from this blog we take the step and we strongly recommend it to you.
The idea is simple but attractive: Ray Donovan (portrayed by Liev Schreiber, if you see him smile in any fotogram please send it to us and call 911, because probably you don't see right) is a “bully” who fixs the problems of rich and famous people from Hollywood. His methods may be expeditive and unorthodox. Yeah, illegal. He reminds us a little of detective Mickey in The Shield, but in this case, Ray acts completely out of law. Another difference is that our main charachter is a true gentleman, he never loses his temper, and he is loved (?) and respected by everyone. And pay attention now, because there are a couple of mythic actors in the plot: Ray works for doctor Taub, from House, and for Mr Geller, Monica and Ross' father (WTF yeah, I know).
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Ray Donovan happy |
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Ray Donovan sad |
Ray has two brothers; Bunch, who suffered sexual abuses during his childhood, and Terry, who is seriously injured because of his boxing time. The show becomes “sopranesque” when Abby (Ray's wife) and their teenage daughter and son (Meadow? AJ?) appear. They ignore Ray's business world (comment: what kind of trauma suffered Showtime with teenage daughters in series who bully their little brothers? Ejem, Dana, Homeland). This beautiful “happy” world falls apart with the comeback from jail of Ray's father. Mr Donovan is John Voight, Angelina Jolie's father (in real life, not in the series, this is Showtime, not Fox). Continuing with the paralelisms, now the show reminds us to a more dramatic Shameless; troubled father who destroys an already dysfunctional family.
No os cuento más para no reventaros la trama, pero tampoco esperéis grandes giros de guión ni artificios, explosiones ni persecuciones. Es una serie sin alardes, pero en la sobriedad y oscuridad que desprende está su encanto. Así que ya sabéis, a descargarla de inmediato. Y a rezar en esta época de crisis porque nunca le debamos dinero a un cliente de Ray Donovan.
I don't tell you anymore so I don't spoil you, but don't expect any big surprises in the script, explosions and persecutions. It's a basic series, but in the sobriety and the darkness of it you'll find its charm. So download it and give it a chance. And pray in this time of crisis for never having a debt with one of Ray Donovan's clients.
By @GintonySoprano
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