Today is 24th of December, which means that Christmas is about to start. This is a season full of joy, presents, family dinners that go on for hours and, of course, being warm in the sofa while watching your favorite series while outside is freezing. If I had to choose one of the things that I love the most of TV series, that would be the Christmas Special Episodes, and that is my gift for you this year. Merry Christmas!
1. Friends
Como todas las listas en esta vida, tiene que comenzar por Friends. Con 10 temporadas, tenemos muchos capítulos entre los que escoger, por lo que es muy difícil quedarme con uno de ellos - especialmente si incluimos también los capítulos de Acción de Gracias -. Pero si tengo que hacerlo me quedaría con el capítulo 7x10 "The One with the Holiday Armadillo", en el que Ross se queda por sorpresa con Ben y quiere sorprenderle disfrazándose de Santa Claus para él, pero lógicamente ya no quedan disfraces y acaba visitiéndose de Armadillo Navideño. Su explicación de la Navidad a Ben no tiene desperdicio.
As all the lists in this life, it has to start with Friends. With 10 seasons, it's really difficult to decide which Christmas Episode is the best one - specially if we also count the Thanksgiving's ones -. But if I had to choose, I would choose the S07E10 "The One with the Holiday Armadillo", in which Ross decides to surprise his son Ben with a Santa Claus' outfit, but since it's already Xmas they don't have any in the store, so he decides to dress up as a holiday armadillo. His explanation to Ben is quite worthy.
2. Community
Community es la reina de los especiales. Nos lo ha ido demostrando temporada a temporada, desde los capítulos de Paintball a, obviamente, los de Navidad. El mejor, sin duda, es el 3x11 "Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas". En este capítulo, todos los personajes son muñecos (stop-motion animation) y Abed está obsesionado con que se debe a que deben encontrar el significado de la Navidad. Genial episodio con genial final.
Community is the king of special episodes. It has proved to us every season, from the paintball episodes to, of course, Christmas' ones. The best, without doubt, is the S03E11 "Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas". In this episode, all the characters are in stop-motion animation, and Abed is obsessed that it is due to they have to find the real meaning of Christmas. The episode and the ending are just awesome.
3. The Big Bang Theory
Otra serie con tantas temporadas que resulta dificil escoger el mejor capítulo. Pero para mí, gana sin duda el 2x11 "The Bath Item Gift Hypothesis", en el que Penny quiere hacerle un regalo a sus vecinos de enfrente - a pesar de todas las quejas de Sheldon - y acaba haciéndole un regalo que le consigue un único e irrepetible abrazo de Sheldon.
Another series with many seasons that makes if difficult to choose one best episode. But for me, the best one is the S02E11 "The Bath Item Gift Hypothesis", where Penny wants to give his neighbors a present - despite all the complaints of Sheldon - and ends up giving a present that wins her an unique Sheldon's hug.
4. Modern Family
Obviamente tenía que meter en la lista también a Modern Family. En el capítulo 3x10 "Express Christmas" la familia se da cuenta de que no van a poder pasar el día de Navidad juntos, así que se organizan para celebrarlo todo unos días antes, lo que resulta en el clásico desastre de Modern Family.
Modern Family had to be in this list too, obviously. In the episode S03E10 "Express Christmas", the family realizes that they are not going to be together on Christmas Day, so the organize to celebrate it a few days before, with turns out in the classic disaster that goes with Modern Family.
5. American Horror Story
Durante la segunda temporada, Asylum, tuvimos un especial de Navidad - aunque de Navidad realmente tuviera poco -. El el 2x08 "Unholy Night" tenemos un asesino haciendo de Santa Claus, una monja que realmente es el diablo decorando el árbol de Navidad y un grupo de auténticos locos cantando villancicos. Muy a lo AHS y muy a lo Ryan Murphy.
During the second season, Asylum, we had a Christmas special episode - despite the fact that it didn't have that spirit -. In the episode S02E08 "Unholy Night" we had a killer dressed up as Santa Claus, a nun who's actually the devil decorating the tree and a group of insane people singing carols. Very AHS' style and very Ryan Murphy's style.
6. The Sopranos
La familia mafiosa no podía falta tampoco en mi lista. En el capítulo 3x10 "To Save Us All From Satan's Power" nos encontramos con que están buscando un sustituto de Big Pussy para vestirse de Santa Claus, y ello los lleva a pensar en las Navidades pasadas. Pero el espíritu navideño acaba alegrando el bar de strip-tease y es simplemente genial ver a Tony, Paulie y Sylvio celebrando la Navidad.
The mob family had to be in my list too. In the episode S03E10 "To Save Us All From Satan's Power" we see that they are looking for a substitute for Big Pussy to dress up as Santa, and that makes them remember the last Christmas. But the Christmas' spirit arrives to the strip-tease bar, and it is just great to see Tony, Paulie and Sylvio celebrating Christmas.
7. Mad Men
De Mad Men hemos elegido el capítulo 4x02 "Christmas Comes but Once a Year". La sobria y aburrida fiesta de la empresa de publicidad se convierte en un guateque sesentero cuando aparece en el local uno de sus mejores clientes. Hay que dar buena imagen, ¡y qué mejor imagen que bailar la conga con Mss Joan! Para los que os lo preguntáis, no, Don Draper no se metió a bailar.
From Mad Men we've chosen the episode S04E02 "Christmas Comes but Once a Year". The sober and boring party of the publicity business turns up into an awesome 60s' party when one of the best clients shows up. They have to give a good image, and there's nothing better that Mss Joan dancing the conga. And if you are asking, no, Don Draper doesn't dance.
8. Six Feet Under
Aunque no sea el mejor espíritu navideño, no podía dejar fuera el piloto de Six Feet Under. La serie comienza con la alegría de la Navidad, con un hijo que vuelve a casa para pasar las fiestas con su familia. Pero esta alegría dura poco, ya que el padre de los Fisher, Nathaniel, es atropellado por un autobús, y el día de Navidad se convierte en un funeral, como todos los días de los Fisher. Como he dicho, no es que rebose de espíritu navideño, pero sí de espíritu de Six Feet Under.
It might not be the best Christmas episode, but I had to talk about the pilot of Six Feet Under. The series start with the joy of Christmas, with a son that is coming back home to spend the holidays with his family. But it doesn't last long, since the father, Nathaniel Fisher, is stroked by a bus and dies. The Christmas Day turns up into a funeral, as all the days of the Fishers are. As I said, it doesn't have much Christmas' spirit, but it does have a lot of Six Feet Under's spirit.
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