Good morning, my beloved Whateverians! After the Easter holidays, the blog is back with, as always, the weekly review of Game of Thrones. Have you watched the episode? Keep reading!
Empiezo admitiendo que la semana pasada no tuve tiempo para hacer la review, y por ello no puedo dejar de comentar lo más importante sin duda del capítulo y puede que el momento más feliz de toda la serie: la muerte del maldito Joffrey. Genialmente escenificada y siguiendo casi al dedillo el libro, Joffrey nos abandona para siempre. Pero... ¿cómo? ¿Ahogado con la tarta? ¿Envenenado? ¿Por quién?
I'll start by admitting that last week I didn't have the time to write the review, and that's why I'm going to talk about the most important thing of the episode and maybe the happiest moment of the series: the death of the damned Joffrey. Greatly played and exactly the same as the book, with this scene with say goodbye to Joffrey. But... who did he die? Chocked with the pie? Poisoned? But... by whom?
Desde luego hay muchos con motivos más que de sobra para matar al dichoso niño. Oberyn Martell para vengar a su hermana, los Tyrell (Olenna) para evitar que Maraery sufra a su futuro marido, Sansa como venganza por los Stark, incluso cualquier Lannister que sabe que no sería el mejor rey precisamente. Ya nos lo dice Tyrion en este capítulo, la única que se libra de sospecha es Cersei, que por una vez nos da hasta un poco de pena.
There's no doubt there are many reasons to kill this boy. Oberyn Martell to take revenge for her sister's murder, the Tyrell (Olenna) to avoid Margaery getting married with such a monster, Sansa as a revenge for the Starks, even the Lannisters who knew that he won't make quite a good king. Tyrions tells us in this episode: the only one that is free of suspicion is Cersei, who we pity a little bit for the first time.
Y hablando de Cersei y de darnos penita, hablemos de la discutidísima escena de sexo/violación con Jaime. En los libros, Jaime no está presente en la boda y llega justo en esta escena, por lo que como el mismo George R. R. Martin ha explicado, la situación es algo diferente. La connotación negativa de hacerlo delante del cadáver de su hijo sigue estando, pero no es la violación que tenemos en este capítulo.
And talking about Cersei, let's discuss the famous sex/rape scene with Jaime. In the books, Jaime isn't present in the wedding and he arrives exactly in this scene, so as George R. R. Martin has explained, the situation is quite different. The obvious negative connotation of having sex in the sept in front of their dead kid is still there, but not the rape one that we've seen in the episode.
En cuanto a la casi reina Margaery, se ha quedado viuda muy pronto por segunda vez y tendrá que buscar un nuevo rey para llegar a su ansiado trono. Por la conversación con Olenna parece más bien decepcionada por la muerte de Joffrey (no sabe de la que se ha librado), ¿podemos entonces descartarla a ella también como responsable?
The almost-queen Margaery has widowed again too soon, and she will have to look for another husband to reach her desired throne. After hearing her conversation with Olenna, we can asume that she is even disappointed that Joffrey's death (she doesn't have a clue), can we asume that she took no part in it then?
King's Landing es una locura tras la muerte de su querido rey. Ahora le toca a Tommen heredar el trono, y debe aprender lo que implica ser un buen rey (desde luego le costará menos aprenderlo que a su hermano). De esto se encarga Twyin, como no, es un discursito genial montado que nos muestra lo manipulable que es Tommen. Recordemos que en el libro el futuro rey tiene unos 5 años, y lo único que le interesa es jugar con gatitos y firmar papeles reales, por lo que ha sido un poco cagada cambiarlo por este nuevo actor que le dobla la edad.
King's Landing is a chaos after the beloved king's death. Now it is Tommen's turn to rule, and he has to learn how to be a good king (we will be one more easily that his brother would have been!). This task is Twyin's, of course, and with his speech we can see how manipulable Tommen is. Let's remember that in the books he's just a 5 years old kid who likes to play with kittens and enjoys signing royal papers, so it might have been a bad idea to change the actor and put this one that has twice his real age.
Pero sin lugar a dudas, el que tiene un futuro más negro es Tyrion. Encerrado en las mazmorras de King's Landing, su hermana y su padre están haciendo todo lo posible para que el juicio sea lo más "justo" posible (para ellos al menos). Con los tres jueces que le han tocado (su padre, Mace Tyrell y Oberyn), tiene pocas posibilidades de salir con vida de esta. ¿Se le ocurrirá algo a su hermano Jaime para ayudarlo?
But without doubt, the one with the darker future is Tyrion. Locked up in the dungeons of King's Landing, he has his sister and father doing all they can so "justice" is done (or at least as the see it). With those three judges (Twyin, Mace Tyrell and Oberyn) he has little chances of surviving this one. Can his brother Jaime help him?
Sansa has finally managed to scape from King's Landing thanks to Ser Dontos, but we soon discover that is wasn't him but Littlefinger who plotted everything. Is Sansa safer with Littlefinger than in King's Landing? Just remember that the last Stark who trusted him ended up with his head in a spike. By the way, what a lucky thing was that he had everything prepared for that moment, did he knew what was going to happen in the wedding?
Al otro lado del mundo, tenemos a Daenerys delante de las puertas de Meereen. El campeón de la cuidad no dura ni un segundo ante Daario Naharis, el único cuya vida parece serle indiferente a la khaleesi (¿o estará disimulando las ganas que le tiene?). El discursito del final no va a dejar a ningún esclavo indiferente: su libertad les está esperando de pie en la arena al otro lado del muro.
At the other side of the world, we have Daenerys in front of the gates of Meereen. The champion of the city doesn't stand a second against Daario Naharis, the only one whose life doesn't seem to preoccupy the khalessi (or is she trying to hide how much she likes him?). The speech at the end seeds a new thought in every slave mind: their freedom is waiting for them at the other side of the wall.
En definitiva, ha sido un capítulo un poco lento pero con alguna gran escena, esperemos que mejore un poco el ritmo. Por desgracia, es así como ocurre en los libros, por lo que los guionistas se enfrentarán a la rabia de los fans ya sea por cambiar la historia o bien por hacer una serie aburrida. Lo que está claro es que en Westeros hay que andarse con ojo. Como ya nos lo dice The Hound, ¿a cuántos Starks tienen que cortarle la cabeza para que nos demos cuenta?
As a conclusion, it has been a slow episode but with some great scenes, let's hope that they start to improve it. The bad side is that this is more or less what happens in the books, so the writers are going to have to face the fans' anger, wether it is because they aren't doing what's in the books or cause the series is too boring. What is clear is that no one is safe any longer in Westeros. As the Hound says, how many Starks have to be beheaded before we realize that?
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