viernes, 21 de febrero de 2014

Best TV Cameos VI

Hace tanto que no tengo tiempo para actualizar esta sección que quizás se os haya hasta olvidado, pero hubo una época en la que semanalmente actualizaba los mejores cameos de la televisión. Pues vamos a volver a hacerlo desde No todo puede ser Lost, y no se me ocurre una mejor manera de hacerlo que dedicándola enteramente a la gran serie que es Six Feet Under. ¡Aquí os los dejo!

It's been a while since the last time I actualized this section, and you might have forgotten that I used to write about the Best TV Cameos weekly. But from No todo puede ser Lost we are going to continue with the lost tradition, and there's no better way of doing it that beginning with the cameos of the amazing series that Six Feet Under is. Here it is!

Josh Radnor 

El actor conocido por su papel en How I Met Your Mother (Ted Mosby) apareció previamente en Six Feet Under como uno de los muchos clientes de los que se encarga la funeraria Fisher and Sons y que, para variar, habla con Nate después de muerto. 

The actor best known for his role on How I Met Your Mother (Ted Mosby) appeared on Six Feet Under as one of the many clients of Fisher and Sons funerary. Obviously, he speaks to Nate from the afterlife. 

James Cromwell

George, el marido de Ruth durante las últimas temporadas de Six Feet Under, apareció también en American Horror Story: Asylum (segunda temporada) como el médico nazi del manicomio. Contrasta mucho el papel de la primera - un viejecito larguirucho buenazo - con la segunda - un ex nazi que sigue realizando sus experimentos en los pacientes del manicomio -. Borda ambos papeles, claro. 

George, Ruth husband during the last seasons of Six Feet Under, appeared also on American Horror Story: Asylum (second season) as the nazi doctor of the nut house. There's a huge difference between both characters: the first one, a nice old man, and the second, a horrible ex nazi that still performs experiments on his patients. He's great in both roles, of course. 

Frances Conroy 

La mujer de George de Six Feet Under, Ruth, coincidió años después con él en el rodaje de AHS, y aunque nunca coincidieron en pantalla desde luego lo hicieron fuera de ella. La primera vez que vi a Frances Conroy fue en la primera temporada de AHS. El ojo operado le daba un aire de misterio que iba perfecto para la serie. Más tarde salió en HIMYM como madre de Barney, borracha y a la que digamos que le gustaban los hombres. Y entonces empecé Six Feet Under, con la que me llevé la sorpresa del siglo. No tiene absolutamente nada que ver el personaje, parece mentira que sea la misma actriz. 

Ruth, the wife of George of Six Feet Under, was also with him in the filming of AHS. Even though they were never together on screen, I'm sure they were out of it. The first time I was Frances Conroy was in the first season of AHS. Her operated eye gave her some mystery that I was perfect for the series. After that I saw her in HIMYM as the mother of Barney, a drunk and man-eater woman. And then I started watching Six Feet Under and I was shocked to see her there. The characters have nothing in common, it seems impossible that it's the same actress. 

Michael C. Hall 

Aunque ya hable de este "cameo" (y lo pongo entre comillas porque ha sido protagonista de ambas, por lo que no es un cameo en sí), tengo que recordarlo en este especial de Six Feet Under. La primera que hizo este actor fue Six Feet Under, en la que hace de un gay que dirige la funeraria de su familia, Fisher & Sons. La segunda la conocemos todos, Dexter, el asesino en serie que hemos querido durante 8 largas temporadas (durante la última no tanto). Al haber visto primero Dexter y luego Six Feet Under el cambio es increíble, pero Michael C. Hall borda ambos papeles.

Even though I have already spoken about this "cameo" (it isn't really a cameo since he's the main character of both series), I had to put him in this special of Six Feet Under. The first series that Michael C. Hall did was Six Feet Under, where he plays the role of a gay that runs the family business, which happens to be a funerary, Fisher & Sons. We all know the second series, Dexter, the serial killer that we have loved for eight long season (well, not that much in the last one to be honest). Since I had watched first Dexter than Six Feet Under, when I started the second one I couldn't believe it. The change between both roles is amazing and Michael C. Hall surpasses in both of them. 



Rainn Wilson

El actor que dio vida al excéntrico ayudante de los Fisher y casi amante de Ruth durante la tercera temporada fue después uno de los protagonistas de la serie The Office. Os dejo una escena mítica de Six Feet en la que demuestra lo rarito que puede llegar a ser el personaje. El The Office interpreta a un personaje bastante raro también, Dwight, aunque diferente del primero. 

The actor that played the weirdo assistant of the Fishers and almost-lover of Ruth during the third season of Six Feet Under also played one of the main characters of the series The Office. Here's one of the most famous scenes from Six Feet. The character that he plays in The Office, Dwight, is kind of weird too, but in a different way. 

Anna Gunn

La actriz conocida por su papel en Breaking Bad como Skyler, la mujer de Heisenberg, apareció años antes en Six Feet Under. Hace de madre soltera que se lía con Nate, aunque la historia solo dura un capítulo. El papel de Breaking Bad creo que ya lo conocéis de sobra.

The actress best known for her role in Breaking Bad as Skyler, Heisenberg's wife, appeared years before on Six Feet Under, where she played a single mum that goes out with Nate, but the story only lasts for one single episode. I believe you already know her role on Breaking Bad, right?

Michelle Trachtenberg

En Six Feet Under hace de una chica famosa a la que Keith tiene que proteger durante varias temporadas y con la que acaba acostándose (What?), y esta misma chica hace en Gossip Girl de la insoportable Georgina Sparks, una chica igual de "divina" que la anterior.

On Six Feet Under she played a famous girl that Keith had to protect during several seasons and with whom he ends up having sex with (what?), and she also played years after the unbearable character on Gossip Girl Georgina Sparks, as "divine" as the girl before. 

Bobby Cannavale

El actor que se ha hecho famoso por su aparición en Boardwalk Empire durante la tercera temporada como Gyp Rosetti ya trabajó para la cadena, HBO, años antes, en Six Feet Under. Interpretaba a Javier, el compañero de Keith protegiendo a la chica famosa de la que hemos hablado antes (Michelle Trachtenberg).

The actor best know for his role on Boardwalk Empire as Gyp Rosetti during its third season worked years before for HBO on Six Feet Under. He played Javier, the partner of Keith protecting the girl we have just talked about (Michelle Trachtenberg). 

Y hasta aquí la lista de los cameos de Six Feet Under! Y por si no os ha quedado claro, adoro esta gran serie, para el que aún no la haya visto es un "must see" sin duda, a ver si os consigo convencer con esta entrada.

And those are the cameos of Six Feet Under! And if you haven't deduced it yet, I love Six Feet Under, it's without doubt a "must see", and if you haven't watched it yet, I'll try to convince you with this post. 

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