What do we know about the 4th season? Not much, let's be honest. The 19th of July Scott M. Gimple, the new showrunner of the series, will be at the TWD's Comic-Con panel. Right now we know that some of the recurrent characters will become regulars, as Tyreese, Sasha, Beth or the Governor (who wasn't going to appear in the fourth season).
Robert Kirkman, guionista de la serie, ha ofrecido detalles acerca de cómo será la temporada. Aparecerán nuevos personajes en la serie, entre los que destaco a Larry Gilliard Jr, que apareció en The Wire, y que interpretará a un antiguo médico militar muy traumatizado por su pasado. Además, uno de los temas principales será el nuevo giro agresivo que estaba dando Carl en la tercera temporada.
Robert Kirkman, writer of the series, has offered some details about how's the season gonna be. There will be new characters, and I'd like to point out Larry Gilliard Jr, who appeared in The Wire, and will play the role of a very traumatized military doctor. Also, one of the most important topics of the season will be Carl's new aggressive role.
La productora Gale Anne Hurd ha aclarado que los zombies volverán a ser la parte protagonista de la serie, ya que parece que nos hemos acostumbrado a ellos y que ya no hacen nada, pero no seguirá siendo así en la cuarta.
The producer Gale Anne Hurd has said that the zombies will be a very important part of the series again, since it seems we've get used to them and they don't seem dangerous anymore, and that cannot go on in the fourth season.
El 13 de octubre será la premiere de la temporada, cuyo primer capítulo se titulará "30 days without an accident", lo que obviamente quiere decir que el nuevo plan de Rick de meter a los habitantes de Woodbury en la prisión está funcionando, pero que también que probablemente no vaya a durar mucho más."We are going to amp up the threat of the walkers, because they've started to seem like a manageable threat. They are not a manageable threat. But, it is the people who you think you can trust who betray you, that you have to fear. It is the monster inside you. We all have them. How do we keep them in check?"
The 13th of October the premiere of the season will be aired, which first episode will be called "30 days without an accident", which obviously means that Rick's plan of letting all the habitants of Woodbury live in the prison is working, but also means that it will probably won't last long.
Y hasta aquí todo lo que sabemos hasta el momento de la cuarta temporada. ¡Iré actualizando el post a medida que aparezcan nuevas noticias
And that's all we know about the fourth season for now. I'll actualize the post if there are any news!
And that's all we know about the fourth season for now. I'll actualize the post if there are any news!
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