lunes, 14 de enero de 2013

Community - The hunger deans and 5th season

Queda menos de un mes para la esperadísima 4ª temporada de Community, que se emitirá el 7 de febrero, o eso nos han dicho, y ya me parece un poco tarde para que vuelvan a putearnos atrasar la serie los de NBC. En mayo del pasado año, Dan Harmon, el showrunner, abandonaba la serie, y solo 6 meses después Chevy Chase anunciaba también su dimisión.

We have less than one month 'till the 4th season of Community begins, since it will be broadcasted the next 7th of February. Or that's what we've been told, and I think it's quite late for NBS to screw us delay the series again. Last May, Dan Harmon, the showrunner, abandoned the series, and 6 months later Chevy Chase announced he was not going to be in it anymore. 

Las cosas pintaban mal para Community. Muy poco valorada, aplazada en el calendario por la NBC, trasladada a la fatídica noche de los viernes... Pero nos prometieron que no se vería afectada, y parece que vamos a tener que creérnoslo  porque recientemente Robert Greenblatt (no os preocupéis, yo tampoco tengo ni zorra idea de quién es, y he tenido que mirar varias veces la página para deletrear el apellido), el presidente de la NBC, anunció que tenía toda la intención de que Community continuara en antena y tuviese una quinta temporada. ¿También una sexta y una peli para #SixSeasonsAndAMovie? No me sorprendería, especialmente considerando la buena pinta que trae la cuarta temporada. Solo teneis que echarle un vistazo a este sneak peek. Simplemente genial. 

I could only see a black future for Community. Undervalued, posponed in the calendary by the NBC, transferred to the deadly Friday's night... But they promissed us that the series wouldn't be affected, and I think we have to believe them, 'cause recently Robert Greenblatt (don't worry, I didn't know who the fuck was either, and had to look several times to ensure I had spelled alright his surname), the president of NBC, has announced that they have the intention to keep Community on air till at least a 5th season. And maybe a #SixSeasonsAndAMovie? I wouldn't be surprised, specially considering how the fourth season look like. Don't believe me? Well, check out this sneak peek. Just great. 

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