Cuando decidí crear los Whatever Awards sinceramente nunca llegué a pensar que llegaría realmente a esta fase con el número de participantes más que decente que he tenido, así que para empezar quería agradecéroslo a vosotros. Bien, como todos yo me suponía desde hace alguna ronda qué personajes llegarían a la gran final, y no era difícil adivinar que sería Sheldon Cooper contra Tyrion Lannister, dos de los mejores personajes que tenemos ahora mismo en pantalla y de los que disfrutamos cada semana.
When I decided to create the Whatever Awards I never expected to arrive to this phase with as much participation as I actually had, so first of all I would like to thank you guys. Okay, as many of you, I also assumed who was gonna finish in the last final round a few weeks ago, and it wasn't that difficult to guess that it was gonna be Sheldon Cooper vs. Tyrion Lannister, two of the best character we have at the moment in the small screen.
Después de dos semanas de votación, Tyrion Lannister se corona ganador de los Whatever Awards. La actuación de The Imp es simplemente genial. Tanto, que hace que se nos olvide que es un Lannister. Cada minuto que está en pantalla vale más que horas de muchas otras series, así que no podría estar más contenta con el resultado. Bien, ¡supongo que ahora sólo me queda llamar a Peter Dinklage para que venga a recoger su premio! Y no te preocupes @CalendulaEnFlor, que serás co-presentadora en la entrega de premios.
After two weeks of voting, Tyrion Lannister has declared himself as the best character ever. The performing of The Imp is just great. It is so cool, that he makes us forget that he's actually a Lannister. Every minute he's on the screen is worthy more that hours of other tv series, so I couldn't be happier with the result. Okay, I guess now I just have to call Peter Dinklage so he can come to pick his award! And don't you worry @CalendulaEnFlor, you'll be hosting the awards with me!
Blog dedicado a la actualidad del mundo seriéfilo. Si no hay una noticia es que estoy de vacaciones.
martes, 23 de abril de 2013
Game of Thrones - S03E04 And now his watch has ended
Después de una semana de descanso, vuelvo a la carga, y no se me ocurre una manera mejor de hacerlo que hablando del último capitulazo de Game of Thrones, "And now his watch has ended". ¿Lo habéis visto? ¡Pues seguid leyendo!
After one week out, I am back, and I cannot think in another way better to begin than talking about the latest episode of Game of Thrones, "And now his watch has ended". Have you seen it? So keep reading!
After one week out, I am back, and I cannot think in another way better to begin than talking about the latest episode of Game of Thrones, "And now his watch has ended". Have you seen it? So keep reading!
lunes, 15 de abril de 2013
Community - Square!
Para todos aquellos infieles incrédulos que pensabais que Community estaba acabada, tomad el último capitulo de esta gran serie. Si algo nos ENCANTA de la genial comedia son los capítulos especiales, ya sea el de Navidad o los del paintball. Pues bien, el último capítulo no ha sido para menos. Los 6 de Greendale - ah, no, siete, que me olvidaba de Pierce - se transforman el marionetas para poder relatar la vergonzosa experiencia que han sufrido tras desvelar cada uno su más temido secreto. Las canciones pegadizas y geniales, como siempre. Puntazo el juego de Troy y Abed: Square! Las marionetas perfectas. El capítulo me ha encantado, y para aquellos que piensen que esta serie está perdiendo calidad y que será cancelada, yo les digo: bitch, please.
For all of you unfaithful doubters who thought Community was ended, take the last episode of this amazing series. If there is something we LOVE about this awesome series is the special episodes, from the Xmas one to the paintball one. Well, last episode was much more of that. The six of Greendale - oh, wait, there're seven, I had forgotten Pierce - transform into puppets to be able to tell their embarrasing story, where all of them had told their worst secret. The songs catchy and awesome, as always. The game of Troy and Abed just great: Square! The puppets perfect. I just loved the episode, and for those of you that think that the series is losing it and that it will be cancelled, I can only say to you: bitch, please.
For all of you unfaithful doubters who thought Community was ended, take the last episode of this amazing series. If there is something we LOVE about this awesome series is the special episodes, from the Xmas one to the paintball one. Well, last episode was much more of that. The six of Greendale - oh, wait, there're seven, I had forgotten Pierce - transform into puppets to be able to tell their embarrasing story, where all of them had told their worst secret. The songs catchy and awesome, as always. The game of Troy and Abed just great: Square! The puppets perfect. I just loved the episode, and for those of you that think that the series is losing it and that it will be cancelled, I can only say to you: bitch, please.
viernes, 12 de abril de 2013
Shameless - 3 Season finale
Vaya temporadita que hemos tenido con los Gallagher. Esta familia lleva metiéndose en líos desde la primera temporada, pero los problemas han ido aumentando de gravedad. La tercera temporada la han terminado pero bien, casi parece más un series finale que uno de season. Pero no os preocupéis, que los Gallaghers volverán en 2014 con la cuarta temporada, que ya hace tiempo que fue confirmada por Showtime.
What a season we've got with the Gallaghers. This family has been in many troubles since the show started, but I believe the problems are worse every season. The third season has finished, and it seemed more a series finale that a season finale. But don't you worry, 'cause the Gallaghers will come back on 2014, since the forth season was confirmed long time ago by Showtime.
What a season we've got with the Gallaghers. This family has been in many troubles since the show started, but I believe the problems are worse every season. The third season has finished, and it seemed more a series finale that a season finale. But don't you worry, 'cause the Gallaghers will come back on 2014, since the forth season was confirmed long time ago by Showtime.
martes, 9 de abril de 2013
Game of Thrones - Are you lost?
El mundo de Game of Thrones se hace más extenso capítulo a capítulo, y si hasta para mí que me he leído el libro me cuesta seguirle la pista, no quiero pensar cómo de perdidos - ¿Lost? - pueden llegar a estar los que no lo han hecho. Pero no desesperéis, porque HBO nos lo quiere poner fácil, y por ello han creado esta guía oficial en la que podréis ver, entre otras cosas, un mapa interactivo, qué reyes quedan, dónde se encuentra cada personaje, y la genealogía de las diferentes familias. Echadle un vistazo que merece la pena, y así os orientaréis un poquito más por Westeros y las Free Cities.
The world of Game of Thrones is huger every episode, and if it's difficult for me to follow it and I've read the books, I cannot imagine how difficult it must be for those who haven't. But do not hesitate, 'cause HBO wanted to help us, so this is why they created this official guide in which you will be able to see an interactive map, where are the characters in every episode, which kings there are left and the genealogy of the different families. Take a look 'cause it's quite cool, and you'll be a little bit more able to orientate in Westeros and the Free Cities.
The world of Game of Thrones is huger every episode, and if it's difficult for me to follow it and I've read the books, I cannot imagine how difficult it must be for those who haven't. But do not hesitate, 'cause HBO wanted to help us, so this is why they created this official guide in which you will be able to see an interactive map, where are the characters in every episode, which kings there are left and the genealogy of the different families. Take a look 'cause it's quite cool, and you'll be a little bit more able to orientate in Westeros and the Free Cities.
lunes, 8 de abril de 2013
Game of Thrones - S03E02 Dark Wings, Dark Words
Para aquellos que estabais preocupados por la ausencia de Arya, Bran, Rickon y Jaime, espero que os haya saciado el ratito que han estado en pantalla estos personajes en el segundo capítulo. ¿Lo habéis visto ya? ¡Pues seguid leyendo!
For those of you who were worried about Arya's, Bran's, Rickon's and Jaime's absence, I hope you are happy with the time they spent in the screen in this second episode. Have you watched it? So keep reading!
For those of you who were worried about Arya's, Bran's, Rickon's and Jaime's absence, I hope you are happy with the time they spent in the screen in this second episode. Have you watched it? So keep reading!
The Walking Dead - S03E16 Welcome to the tombs
Parece que hace dos días que nos atemorizaban los zombies, que pensábamos que cualquiera podía morir de un mordisco y que entrecerrábamos los ojos cada vez que un personaje salía a la calle en mitad de la noche. Pero no, han pasado ya tres temporadas y la cosa ha cambiado bastante: los zombies parecen más tontos cada capítulo que pasa, el malo ya no es el muerto sino el vivo, y más te vale salir a la calle por la noche que así pasas desapercibido a los francotiradores. ¿Habéis visto la season finale de la tercera temporada? ¡Pues seguid leyendo!
It seems that it was two days ago when we were afraid of the zombies, when we thought that anyone could die because of a bite, and we closed our eyes everytime someone went out in the middle of the night. But no, it has been three seasons and everything has changed: the zombies are dumbest every episode, the bad one aren't anymore the deads but the livin' ones and you'd better go out in the middle of the night so the snipper doesn't see you! Have you watched the season finale? Well, then keep reading!
It seems that it was two days ago when we were afraid of the zombies, when we thought that anyone could die because of a bite, and we closed our eyes everytime someone went out in the middle of the night. But no, it has been three seasons and everything has changed: the zombies are dumbest every episode, the bad one aren't anymore the deads but the livin' ones and you'd better go out in the middle of the night so the snipper doesn't see you! Have you watched the season finale? Well, then keep reading!
Solo quería deciros que ayer llegué a las 10.000 visitas, que está genial y que gracias a todos!
I just wanted to say that yesterday I reached the 10.000 views, which is great, so thanks you all!
I just wanted to say that yesterday I reached the 10.000 views, which is great, so thanks you all!
domingo, 7 de abril de 2013
Whatever Awards - Final round
Finalmente llegó. La última ronda de los Whatever Awards. Tyrion Lannister contra Sheldon Cooper. Poco más tengo que añadir. ¡A votar!
It's finally here. The last round of the Whatever Awards. Tyrion Lannister vs. Sheldon Cooper. I have little to add. So vote!
It's finally here. The last round of the Whatever Awards. Tyrion Lannister vs. Sheldon Cooper. I have little to add. So vote!
Round 10 closed!!!
Ha pasado un poquito más de una semana, pero la ronda 10 ya ha terminado. Esta vez quiero agradecer la enorme participación que he tenido en el blog. Se ha notado mucho el número de visitas que ha provocado la review de Game of Thrones, que hizo que los votos que llevaban acumulados John Locke y Abed pasaran desapercibidos frente a la ola masiva de votos para Tyrion y Sheldon.
It has been a little bit more than a week, but the round 10 has finally finished. This time I wanna thank you all for the huge participation I had. It was notourious the amount of people that vote after entering in the blog to read the review of Game of Thrones, which made Abed and John Locke weak against Tyrion and Sheldon Cooper.
Después de semanas de votos, tenemos los ganadores definitivos de drama y de comedia. En comedia, Sheldon Cooper ha ganado, pero solo ha quedado un 2% por encima de Abed. Considerando la diferencia de audiencia entre ambas series, pienso que es una clara victoria también para Community. Pero como solo tengo una corona, quién sino Sheldon Cooper para llevársela. En cuanto a drama, Tyrion Lannister no ha tenido rival en absoluto. Por mucho que me duela, mi querido John Locke se quedó atrás rápido.
After weeks of voting, we have the definitive winners of drama and comedy. In comedy, Sheldon Cooper has won, but he was only 2% above Abed. Considering the audience of both series, it's obviously a win also for Community. But since there can be only one winner, who else better than Sheldon. And in drama, as much as it hurts me, Tyrion Lannister won clearly against my beloved John Locke.
Bien, ya solo queda una última y final ronda, en la que no solo decidiréis entre Tyrion y Sheldon, sino entre comedia y drama. Aquí os dejo cómo quedan los Whatever Awards tras la última ronda, y en breves minutos, ¡la final!
Well, we have only left the last and final round, in which you don't only decide between Tyrion and Sheldon, but between drama and comedy! Here's how the Whatever Awards are after last round, and in a few minutes the final!
It has been a little bit more than a week, but the round 10 has finally finished. This time I wanna thank you all for the huge participation I had. It was notourious the amount of people that vote after entering in the blog to read the review of Game of Thrones, which made Abed and John Locke weak against Tyrion and Sheldon Cooper.
Después de semanas de votos, tenemos los ganadores definitivos de drama y de comedia. En comedia, Sheldon Cooper ha ganado, pero solo ha quedado un 2% por encima de Abed. Considerando la diferencia de audiencia entre ambas series, pienso que es una clara victoria también para Community. Pero como solo tengo una corona, quién sino Sheldon Cooper para llevársela. En cuanto a drama, Tyrion Lannister no ha tenido rival en absoluto. Por mucho que me duela, mi querido John Locke se quedó atrás rápido.
After weeks of voting, we have the definitive winners of drama and comedy. In comedy, Sheldon Cooper has won, but he was only 2% above Abed. Considering the audience of both series, it's obviously a win also for Community. But since there can be only one winner, who else better than Sheldon. And in drama, as much as it hurts me, Tyrion Lannister won clearly against my beloved John Locke.
Bien, ya solo queda una última y final ronda, en la que no solo decidiréis entre Tyrion y Sheldon, sino entre comedia y drama. Aquí os dejo cómo quedan los Whatever Awards tras la última ronda, y en breves minutos, ¡la final!
Well, we have only left the last and final round, in which you don't only decide between Tyrion and Sheldon, but between drama and comedy! Here's how the Whatever Awards are after last round, and in a few minutes the final!
martes, 2 de abril de 2013
Game of Thrones - S03E01 Valar Dohaeris
Llevábamos esperándolo un año. El hecho de habernos leído los libros - los que lo habíamos hecho - no calmaba nuestra curiosidad, sino que la aumentaba porque sabíamos qué nos depararía esta temporada. Pues bien, la fecha de estreno de la tercera temporada de Game of Thrones llegó, y el capítulo no decepcionó. El primer capítulo básicamente ha sido un recordatorio de dónde dejamos a los personajes la temporada pasada, y con qué se van a enfrentar en esta nueva temporada. ¿Vemos donde estamos? Sin spoilers, ¡prometido!
We had been waiting one year. The fact of having read the book - those of us who had - wouldn't calm us down, but increased our curiosity because we knew what was about to come. Well, the premiere of the third season came, and the episode didn't disappoint. The first episode has been basically a way to remind us where the characters where at the end of last season and what's waiting for them in this one. Do you wanna have a look at it? Spoilers-free, I promise!
We had been waiting one year. The fact of having read the book - those of us who had - wouldn't calm us down, but increased our curiosity because we knew what was about to come. Well, the premiere of the third season came, and the episode didn't disappoint. The first episode has been basically a way to remind us where the characters where at the end of last season and what's waiting for them in this one. Do you wanna have a look at it? Spoilers-free, I promise!
lunes, 1 de abril de 2013
Best TV deaths
¡Hola Whatevers! Vamos a hablar acerca de las
muertes más impactantes, inesperadas o, por qué no decirlo, deseadas de la
historia de las series de tv. Evidentemente incluye spoilers motivo de
divorcios y homicidios, así que antes de desplegar la entrada fijaos en la
serie y la temporada a la que corresponde. Para que no salgáis huyendo del post, he puesto un botón de "Show spoiler" para cada una de las 7 muertes, así que seguid leyendo sin miedo.
Hi Whatevers! We´re gonna talk about the most shocking,
unexpected or, why not, wanted deaths in the history of tv series. Obviously it
contains spoilers, cause of divorces and homicides, so be sure of what show and
season we are talking about in each paragraph before open it. To avoid making you run away of the post, I have put a "Show spoiler" bottom in each one of the 7 deaths, so don't you worry: it's safe to keep reading!
Dando vueltas por blogs de series, he descubierto el hashtag #PostureoSeries, el cual básicamente me ha encantado. La búsqueda ha sido simple, lo he metido en el buscador de Twitter y ta-chán! 5000 tweets acerca del tema. Todos sabemos qué es postureo, y ya hasta aquí en Italia que es donde vivo (¡postureo!) se conoce. Como me he pasado un buen rato riendome, que mejor que compartirlo con vosotros.
#PostureoSeries Ver el piloto y el final de una serie y OPINAR con un par.
Decirle a tus amigos, "¿Aún vais por esa temporada? Ah, claro, que la veis traducida, yo la veo en VO" #PostureoSeries
Justificar cualquier cosa con "es el sacrificio que pedía la isla" #PostureoSeries
Criticar el doblaje en español pero cuando te las ves en V.O. lo haces leyendo los subtítulos. #PostureoSeries
Ver una serie doblada y decirle a tus amigos: "¡Por favor, qué ridículo suena! En V.O. está mucho mejor." #PostureoSeries
Decir que no ves la tele porque no te gusta perder el tiempo, pero llevar al día 148 series, en V.O, claro. #PostureoSeries
Pregonar que te encanta Sheldon pero cuando ves a un nerd de la facultad de Física no querer tocarle ni con un palito. #PostureoSeries
"El final de Lost es espléndido" #PostureoSeries
"En el Mac se aprecia mucho mejor la fotografía" #PostureoSeries
Decir que Dragon Ball molaba más en valenciano, galego o catalán. #PostureoSeries
Ir pregonando que solo ves series de HBO #PostureoSeries.
Decirle a tus amigos, "¿Aún vais por esa temporada? Ah, claro, que la veis traducida, yo la veo en VO" #PostureoSeries
Justificar cualquier cosa con "es el sacrificio que pedía la isla" #PostureoSeries
Criticar el doblaje en español pero cuando te las ves en V.O. lo haces leyendo los subtítulos. #PostureoSeries
Ver una serie doblada y decirle a tus amigos: "¡Por favor, qué ridículo suena! En V.O. está mucho mejor." #PostureoSeries
Decir que no ves la tele porque no te gusta perder el tiempo, pero llevar al día 148 series, en V.O, claro. #PostureoSeries
"El final de Lost es espléndido" #PostureoSeries
"En el Mac se aprecia mucho mejor la fotografía" #PostureoSeries
Decir que Dragon Ball molaba más en valenciano, galego o catalán. #PostureoSeries
Ir pregonando que solo ves series de HBO #PostureoSeries.
Y así podría pasarme la mañana. Pero por desgracia tengo una vida que atender y unos exámenes que aprobar. Con darle al link del hashtag estaréis riéndoos otro rato. Y por si aún no habéis tenido suficiente, en La Parabólica han publicado cómo hacer postureo en las series, no tiene desperdicio. Por cierto, por razones obvias este post no lo traduciré al inglés.
Sorry guys, it's impossible to translate this post into English... Spanish 1 - English... Well, let's say we won this battle.
Game of Thrones - 126 reasons why it would never work on basic cable
Vale, y hablando de razones por las que Game of Thrones no podría estar nunca en la televisión pública, este genial video.
Okay, continuing talking about reasons Game of Thrones would never be on basic cable, this awesome video.
Esta semana estamos en la penúltima fase de los Whatever Awards, así que acordaoos de votar, tanto en drama como en comedia.
This week we have the next to last round of the Whatever Awards, so remember to vote in drama and comedy!
Okay, continuing talking about reasons Game of Thrones would never be on basic cable, this awesome video.
Esta semana estamos en la penúltima fase de los Whatever Awards, así que acordaoos de votar, tanto en drama como en comedia.
This week we have the next to last round of the Whatever Awards, so remember to vote in drama and comedy!
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